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爱德蒙你拥有一位如花似玉的爱人。Edmond, you have a very beautiful lady-love.

她如花似玉的昔日已经一去不复返,但是她的心灵却成了美丽的避难所。All the beauty that had forsaken her face, seemed to have found refuge in her heart.

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据说昔年,两位如花似玉的仙女将色泽艳丽的牡丹,植于寺院之内。It is said that two beautiful fairies transplant the gorgeous peony into the temple.

有个国王,他有十二个女儿,个个长得如花似玉。TheRE was once upon a time a King who had twelve daughters, each one More beautiful than the other.

乞丐走了之后,女主人发现阿巧变成了一个如花似玉的美人,非常吃惊。After the beggar was gone, the lady host found Aqiao was turned to be a beautiful girl, be a beauty!

有个国王,他有十二个女儿,个个长得如花似玉。Once upon a time there was a king who had twelve daughters, each one more beautiful than the others.

看着原本如花似玉的女儿变成半死不活的样子,母亲心痛不已。Witnessing the original flower-like daughter become so abject, her mother was more than heartbroken.

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潘金莲,臀高胸丰,那如花似玉的脸蛋确实是少人能及。Beverly Pan, high-hipped, big-breasted, a pretty face really seldom there are no one that comes close to.

文祥从来没见过这种景色,尤其是身旁还有一位如花似玉的少女,更是迷离诡异。Wen Xiang had never seen anything like this. Having a beautiful young lady at his side made it even more bizarre.

中华文明上下五千,出了多少英雄豪杰,也出了无数如花似玉的美女。Chinese civilization has a long history of 5000 years, which has produced a number of heroes as well as countless beautiful women.

文祥睁眼一看,竟然有三位如花似玉的苗族姑娘围在他身边,望著他直笑。Wen Xiang opened his eyes and looked. To his surprise, 3 beautiful young Miao girls were standing around him, looking at him with a smile.

十年后,刘四喜长成翩翩公子,九妹出落成如花似玉的姑娘。Ten years later, grow into engaging childe Liu Si xi, nine younger sister is blossoming into a girl as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade.

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狄俄尼索斯锁定艾米西斯特就是他要报复的人。他猛咬手指,两只猛虎应声而出要一口吞下这个如花似玉的少女。Dionysus targeted Amethyst as the object of his revenge, and with the snap of his fingers, he summoned two ferocious tigers to devour the girl.

在我的内心深处,萦绕着两个女子的身影,我的初恋和我在路途遇到的一个如花似玉般的美少女,她的身影在我脑海里挥之不去。In the deepest part of my heart. there are two shadow, my first love, and a nice girl like a flower I met on the way. She will never be away for me.

QQ里飞快的跑着各种各样的消息,有如花似玉一般美丽的,也有不入流的肮脏!QQ in fly quickly news of running every kind of each kind, have as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade general beautiful, also have out of the run and dirty!

洗干净你的耳朵听好了,本姑娘“韩菱纱”,好歹也算一个如花似玉的少女,几时成了你嘴里的“猪腰”、“猪肝”!Do wash you ears cleanly and listen seriously! My name is HanLingsha. Anyhow I have measured up to a pretty Young girl! When did I become the "pig kidney" or"pig liver"as you said?!

我不在乎你如花似玉的青春与血肉,但我渴望吸一吸你小包包里的那包中华烟,可以给我来一根么?My don't care you of as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade youth and flesh and blood, but I desire absorb your packet pack inside of that pack China smoke, can come to a Yao for me?