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我的心乱如麻。My heart likes tangled hemp.

她坐立不安,甚至心乱如麻。She was restless and even agitated.

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你给我一个声音,我为你心乱如麻!You give me a look, I am not oneself for you!

你给我一个声音,我为你心乱如麻!You give me a sound, I am utterly confused for you!

唉,我都不知道现在正在发生什么,心乱如麻。Oh, I don't even know how to comprehend what's going on.

找工作处处碰壁,搞得我心乱如麻。Job-hunting has failed again and again. It has made me terribly upset.

醒来后,我心乱如麻,无法摆脱那个形象。When I woke up, I was so disturbed that I couldn't shake off the image.

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心乱如麻的增刊供给者与傀儡一路到上面的房间吃晚饭。the upset supplement supplier went up with the puppet to the upper room for supper.

一个男人若是真的爱她,怎么舍得让她心乱如麻的坐在那里数花瓣?If a man really loves her , how will he bear to make her count petals in such a whirl?

得知本国发生了强烈地震,总统一直心乱如麻。The president, being told of the strong earthquake in his country, was on tenterhooks every minute.

晚上睡觉时珍妮不断回想起司徒舜与庄尼的画面,不禁心乱如麻。Jenny continuously recall SiTuShun while sleeping at night and ZhuangNi picture, am utterly confused.

当我们为难处心乱如麻,安静吧。神要我们安静,然后他才能解开症结。When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot.

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不知为什么,我总是对着你哭,你便心乱如麻,烦躁不安。Do not know why I always weep with no reason in front of you which made you utterly confused and disconcerted.

一个男人若是真的爱她,怎么舍得让她心乱如麻的坐在那里数花瓣?If a men really loves her, how willing to give up let her utterly confusedly sit are the few flower petals there?

你或许被人抛弃、离了婚,或是被开除,当众出丑,被刻薄的绰号弄得心乱如麻You might get dumped, divorced, or fired, make a fool ofyourselfin public, be afflicted with a demeaning nickname

你或者被人丢弃、离了婚,或是被解雇,当众出丑,被尖刻的外号弄得心乱如麻。You might get dumped, divorced, or fired, make a fool of yourself in public, be afflicted with a demeaning nickname.

阿纳金独自一人留下,心乱如麻,他意识到帕尔帕廷可能是拯救帕德梅的唯一希望。Left alone to stew in his tempestuous thoughts, Anakin realized that Palpatine could be his only chance at saving Padmé.

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或许被人抛弃,离了婚,被开除,当众出丑,被刻薄的绰号弄得心乱如麻,或只因你整天顶着一个其丑无比的发型。You might get dumped , divorced, or fired, make a fool of yourself in public , be afflicted with a demeaning nickname, or just have a plain old bad -hair day.

心乱如麻的上游,这时突然想起了正桥鼓励自己的说话后,充满了斗志,终能顺利在考试中发挥出自己的实力。Afflicted with upstream, then all of a sudden the right bridge to encourage myself speaking, full of fight, eventually to play out their own strength in the exam.

总之,我思绪纷繁,心乱如麻,实在无法向您描绘我当时脑子里的全部想法。天亮了,我迷迷糊糊地睡着了,这些念头才在朦胧中消逝了。In short, I should be quite incapable of repeating to you the countless thoughts which rose from my heart to my head and faded slowly into the sleep which overpowered me when it grew light.