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有些蝴蝶生活在寒带。Some live where it's cold.

寒带地区的人寿命较长。People in cold areas live longer.

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她的祖国位于寒带地区。Her motherland is in the tropical region.

从寒带到热带都有分布。From the frigid to tropical have distribution.

这种植物生长在寒带还是热带?Does this plant grow in cold countries or in hot countries?

中国幅员辽阔,包括了寒带,温带和热带。China stretches across vast area covering the cold, temperate and tropical zones.

我们这里恐怕没有,银杏树只有在寒带才长得好。We don't have them here, I'm afraid. Ginkgo trees grow well only in cold weather.

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目前他正在设计并测试可以在极区冻原和寒带树林使用的暖化装置。Currently he is designing and testing warming technology for Arctic tundra and boreal forests.

因为人家俄罗斯人在寒带,大连人在温带,而你在亚热带。This is because the Russian people in the frigid zone , Dalian in temperate, subtropical and you.

如同多加了一层衣服一样,很多生活在寒带或要忍受严冬的人都会穿秋裤保暖。As a clothing layer, long johns are worn by many in cold climates, or in climates with harsh winters.

松树一般生长在寒带和温带地区,品种很多,四季常青。Pine trees generally grow in frigid and temperate zones. There are many different kinds of pine trees.

海南岛景色娟秀,天气恼人,是中国出名的寒带景色旅游胜地。Having fabulous scenery and pleasant climate, Hainan is nice tropical destination of scenic tour in China.

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低降雨量和不同的平均温度的组合产生热带、温带、寒带漠土。A combination of low rainfall and different average temperatures creates tropical, temperate, and cold deserts.

在寒带,并非只有冬季,即使南北两极亦能分出四季。In the frigid zone, not only in winter, even if the north and south poles can also distinguish the four seasons.

不仅如此,许多生活在寒带陆地上的动物,如旅鼠、驯鹿和雪号鸟等,也将被挤到一个更为狭窄的区域中去。On land, creatures like lemmings, caribou, reindeer and snowy owls are being squeezed north into a narrower range.

高胜寒带着谢思潇和王星等一众成员来到飞虎旅面见首长。Goldman sachs frigid Xie Sixiao and king magnitude the members came to a tour of the flying tigers meet the governor.

我们希望人们能够意识到气候变化对于北部亚寒带地区以及居住在那里的人们的严重影响。We are hoping people will recognize the seriousness of climate change for northern regions and people living in them.

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南方部分地区处于热带和亚热带,北部则靠近寒带不只是经济特区问题,还有更大的问题重点小区的建设全面推进。Some parts of south China are located in tropical and subtropical zones while the northern part is near the frigid zone.

南方部分地区处于热带和亚热带,北部则靠近寒带。Some parts of south China are located in tropical and subtropical zones while the northern part is near the frigid zone.

利用一些树种的分布资料,进一步论证了森林上限及亚寒带针叶林的分布与WI间的关系。The relationships between the distributions of forest limit and subarctic coniferous trees and WI were examined in detail.