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加上天山雪莲配制而成。Plus the Lotus from Tin Shan.

这种药物是国内配制的。This medicine is home-confected.

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他配制了一瓶咳嗽药。He made up a bottle of cough medicine.

配制合适的适配器。Configuration of the appropriate adapters.

丽春红染色液的配制。Preparation of the Ponceau's stain liquid.

是秘方配制的专治青春痘痤疮的。Tyranny is the secret acne acne preparation.

在几个小时之内,曼德拉药水就将配制好了。In a few hours, the Mandrake Draught will be ready.

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以该固化剂配制的涂料形成的涂膜耐碱性较好。The alkali resistance of coatings films, was excellent.

校园内还有牙医诊所和配制眼镜的技师。There is also a dental surgery and opticians on-campus.

药剂师必须极其小心地配制药品。Druggists must dispense medicines with the greatest care.

用于配制处理液的容器和拌合系统。A vessel and mixing system used to prepare treatment fluids.

如果是用水配制,2品脱的热量只有300卡路里。It's just 300 calories for two pints, if you make it with water.

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柏兰爵解百纳墨尔乐,集最好的两个品种配制而成。The Palandri Cabernet Merlot combines the best of both varieties.

把该溶液存于全玻璃容器中,在配制后3天内使用。Keep this solution in an all-glass container, and use within 3 days.

配制好的溶液应立即使用,并应避光。Prepare the solutions immediately before use and protect from light.

以粗饲料为主配制猪饲料,可以降低饲料成本。To raise pigs mainly with coarse fodder can reduce the cost of feed.

你配制的最奇怪的香水或者香味是什么?What was the most unusual fragrance or flavor you've had to concoct?

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饮食服务人员须接受过食物配制卫生培训。Food service personnel should be trained in food preparation hygiene.

通常情况,拥有以上配制,地磅就可以直接使用了。Usually, with the above preparation, loadometer can be directly used.

通过砂磨分散研制了配制水性墨水用的水性炭黑色浆。The carbon black dispersion for aqueous ink was prepared by sand mill.