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创作圆舞曲我是一窍不通。I'm hopeless how to indite a waltz.

降a小调圆舞曲,第十五号,作品39。Waltz No. 15 in A flat minor, Op. 39

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青春是一首奏响的圆舞曲,一半忧伤一半暧昧。Youth is a play waltzes, half sad affair.

乐队响亮地奏出一支欢快的德国圆舞曲。The band thumped out a merry German waltz.

她的女儿能轻易而迅速地弹奏施特劳斯作的任何圆舞曲。Her daughter can rattle off any waltz by Strauss.

小施特劳斯写了400多首圆舞曲,是吗?Johann Strauss the younger wrote more than 400 waltzes, ?

拉稀选择了一个圆舞曲似的航线,他想要速度和隐蔽。Lash danced a fine line. He wanted speed and invisibility.

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是斯特劳斯著名圆舞曲之一。Tales from Vienna Woods is one of Strauss's famous waltzes.

最棒的是作品18号,“大华丽圆舞曲”。The most wonderful is Opus 18th the "Great Brilliant Waltz".

古典吉他谱第二辑阿瓜多12首圆舞曲,进行曲,主题和变奏。Classical Guitar Music Volume 2 12 Waltzes, March, Theme and Variations.

有着欢快明朗的造型,似雍容华贵的宫殿圆舞曲。Merry and clear shape likes a radiant and graceful waltz in royal palace.

大调33首迪阿贝利圆舞曲变奏,作品120,“迪阿贝利变奏曲”Variations in C major on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120, Diabelli Variations.

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每天清晨,钟楼的钟声响彻云霄,就好像天空的圆舞曲。Every morning, the sound from the tower resounds through the sky, like a waltz.

于是西方音乐史上才流传下如此多的室内乐、圆舞曲。So the history of Western music, handed down only so much chamber music, Waltz.

约翰史特劳斯最著名的华尔滋圆舞曲「色多瑙河」维也纳音乐会首度公演。The Blue Danube, " Johann Strauss' most famous waltz, premiered at a public concert in Vienna."

在两三年之内,我会重新录制更多的西班牙音乐,比如格拉那多斯的华尔兹诗意圆舞曲。I will be re-recording more Spanish music in a couple more years like Granados' Valses Poeticos.

她唱的“晚会圆舞曲”轻松愉快,层次分明,音量的控制也恰到好处。Her singing of "Evening Waltz" was easy and lively, well-balanced and appropriately controlled in volume.

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那些轻松愉快,活泼舒畅的古典乐曲、圆舞曲及摇蓝曲一般比较适宜。Those pleasant, comfortable and lively classical music, waltzes, and cradle songs tend to be more appropriate.

因此,他也不能再走父亲的老路,单为舞厅而创作、演奏圆舞曲。Therefore, can father's old road leak from he again neither , Shan is a dance hall but creation, performs a waltz.

以雷哈尔的「风流寡妇圆舞曲」乐曲为本的摇篮曲,加上口述引导观想,释放你的身心灵,带您进入恢复活力的睡眠。Lehar's Merry Widow Waltz sung as a lullaby with guided visualizations to release the mind and body into renewing sleep.