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编队8号船必须在船闸停船处待命。Convoy 8 must wait at lay-by.

在协调世界时0800时你船加入过运河编队。You will join convoy at 0800 UTC.

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我们的联合舰队最近进行了重新编队。Our combined fleet has recently re-formed.

破冰援助编队护航已完成。Ice-breaker assistance for convoy finished.

破冰援助编队护航现在开始。Ice-breaker assistance for convoy will start now.

航空毋舰编队为什么这么庞人昵?Aviation don't ship formation why such Pang Renni?

然后,建立了平飞段的导弹编队动力学模型。Then, the dynamic model of the formation flight was built.

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一队喷气式战斗机编队从头顶上方飞过,公众仰首观看。The crowd looked up as a squadron of jet-fighters flew past.

残余部队重整编队,再次进入攻击阵形。Nagase All remaining squadrons, rejoin into attack formation.

从2001年起,马克西莫夫担任第3潜艇编队的指挥官。From 2001, he was chief of staff of the 3rd submarine flotilla.

破冰援助编队护航将于当地时间0915时开始。Ice-breaker assistance for convoy will start at 0915 local time.

分配侦察1天的时间长短到任何的你的编队。Assign a 1-day length of reconnaissance to any of your formations.

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接着当他们把航母派到战斗中去的时候,航空编队被全歼。Then when they send their carriers into battle, they are decimated.

反潜编队不能超过6艘船只。不能由上将以上的军衔指挥。ASW TF's. No more than 6 ships allowed. No Admirals allowed to command.

海上作战信息范围广、内容多,海上编队面临情况异常复杂。Information from operation at sea is of large quantity and of wide range.

舰队基地化,海军陆战队,远洋舰艇编队定是北约利剑。Fleet bases, Marine Corps, is scheduled for ocean-going NATO warships sword.

火枪的编队射击很重要,所以我们给于了更多的关注。The choreography of musket fire is important, so that gets a lot of attention.

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双机编队是空防对抗中一种主要的编队模式。Two-plane formation is an important mode of formation in air-to-ground combats.

至此,两个编队顺利完成首次共同护航任务。Until then, the two fleets accomplished their joint convoy for the first time.

那么丹顶鹤在编队迁飞时,何以要选用‘人’字形呢?。Why do red-crowned cranes choose to use 'human' shape when flying in formation?