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台下评判员如何记分?How do the judges score a bout?

这个代码是一个网球运动的记分规则。This is code that scores sets in tennis.

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MAGIC仅仅使用记分表手册。MAGIC used the manual scoring sheet only.

记分卡和代号名都使这个游戏更加得有趣。Scorecards and code names add to the fun.

⊙、旁观者的姓名永远爬不到比赛的记分板上。Spectator's name never climb on the scoreboard.

请把记分本放在记录上。Put a score-sheet on the scorer's table, please.

先生,你需要球座,球标,记分卡和笔吗?Sir, do you need tees, ball marker, score card and pencil?

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我把这个程序称为“windows版高尔夫文摘记分卡”。I called the program “Golf Digest’s ScoreCard for Windows.”

我懂英语这个部分始终是蒙惕记分。I know English this section has always been the Monte to score.

谨记,他是火星人,记分法和你不同。Remember, he's a Martian and doesn't keep score the way you do.

生存的玩家不能在记分板上看到敌人死亡。Changed so live players don't see enemy deaths in the scoreboard.

本文介绍两种相对记分法。In this paper, the two methods of grading of marks are introduced.

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记分卡——随着时间的推移使用记分卡来跟踪特性的开发进度。Scorecards – Use scorecards to track feature development over time.

解决了竞技场最终记分板的一些显示问题。Fixed several display issues with the arena battle final scoreboard.

她说这个记分段你的社会学科成绩很差。She said you were doing poorly in social studies this marking period.

多日赛记分方法和越野赛相同。The multi-day score keeping method is the same as cross-country racing.

互联网上的体育记分板就是此类应用程序的一个例子。An Internet sports scoreboard is one example of this sort of application.

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但是这个公式无效,因为女人自有她不同的记分法。This formula, however, doesn't work because women keep score differently.

通过加强沟通,记分卡也带来了质量的改进。By enhancing communication, the scorecard also led to qualitative benefits.

教务会议已经通过了一项记分制度章程。Congress has authorized the president to suspend the operation of a statute.