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这还算是爱?This is love?

这算是罪孽吗?Are these sins?

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但是不管怎样,他既然说是有关爱情的,那就算是爱情的吧。Anyhow. About love.

马洪刚也算是!Ma Honggang is also!

他说,“这算是哪门子的投资啊!Is this an investment?

所以,多快算是太快呢?So, how fast is too fast?

这都不能算是个问题That's not even an issue.

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他向丹点了点头,算是欢迎。He greeted Dan with a nod.

就算是布拉德•欣茨本人其实也明白这个道理。Even Brad Hintz knows that.

论脸皮厚,你可算是天下第一。For sheer cheek, you're it.

他不太算是正人君子。He's not quite a gentleman.

我也算是孺子可教了吧。I am worthy of being taught.

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约翰可算是个倒运的预言家。John proved a false prophet.

你认为自己算是吗?Do you consider yourself one?

他叹一口气,算是放心了。He breathed a sigh of relief.

保卢斯向我点了下头,算是致意。Paulus greeted me with a nod.

这道菜可算是潮州风味。This is a Teochew-style dish.

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嗨,这该算是一个大笨人。Well, that was one big silly.

请记住,就算是勤劳的小蜜蜂也是要休息的。Remember, even busy bees rest.

我跟这台机器算是没缘。I have no luck on this machine.