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真空管振荡器?。VTO? Vacuum Tube Oscillator?

真空管或显影管都未破碎。No vacuum or picture tubes were broken.

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这是1889年的两极真空管,是原作。This is a Fleming diode from 1889, if it's original.

真空管整流器具有如下的特性。Vacuum rectifiers are characterized by the following.

它是一个小的塑料桶状空间,有便池和真空管。It's a small plastic bucket with a crotch cup and a vacuum.

晶体管在许多用途上已取代了真空管。Shockley, it displaced the vacuum tube in many applications.

在半导体收音机中晶体管代替了真空管。In semiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes.

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CCQ型气动超高真空插板阀用于接通或切断真空管路中的气流。It is used to put through or cut off the air passage in vacuum pipeline.

真空管放大器首次用于大西洋岸至太平洋岸的电信电路中。Vacuum tube amplifiers used the first time in coast-to-coast telco circuits.

这些车辆在SpaceX建造的1600米长的真空管道中进行测试。The vehicles were sent through a 1,600-meter-long vacuum tube built by SpaceX.

要制造更高性能的计算机就意味着你需要更多真空管。To make a more powerful computer meant that you had to have more vacuum tubes.

探讨真空管和晶体管音频放大器和其他相关高保真设备。A vacuum tube amplifiers and other "high-resolution" transistor audio equipment.

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真空管的声音比任何其他种类的半导体都要优越。The sound of valves is inherently superior to that of any kind of semi-conductor.

据了解,珠江新城亦采用该系统。目前,真空管道垃圾收集系统已有30多个国家和地区使用。At present the system has been used in over 30 countries and regions in the world.

重金属吉他手使用真空管放大器造成严重失音。Heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extreme distortion.

带著访客参观他的收藏,玻门拿出一个珍贵的真空管。Showing a group of guests around his collection, Burman takes out one of his prized valves.

其他人指出那可能是个真空管的助听器,助听器最早在1921年销售。Others have pointed out that it could be a vacuum-tube hearing aid, which was first sold in 1921.

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1947年,计算机还是一种由真空管驱动的,有房子那么大的机器。In 1947, computers were big, room-sized machines operating on mechanical relays and glowing vacuum tubes.

而能掌握到这趋势的公司,有时或会扰乱整个巿场──不妨看看60年代晶体管与真空管吧。Companies that anticipate these trends can sometimes disrupt entire markets — see transistors vs. vacuum tubes in the ’60s.

密封真空管的可靠性尤其重要,影响其可靠性的主要因素是真空度。Reliability of the sealed vacuum tube is very important, and the main factor that affects reliability is its vacuum degree.