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她的眉毛很秀气。Her eyebrows are shapely.

我的同桌是一个秀气的小姑娘。My desk-mate is a pretty girl.

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她能把苹果皮削成长长秀气的一条。She could peel an apple in one long girlie strip.

这是一位长得很好看的女老师,年轻秀气,整洁大方。As a young woman, she was nice-looking, tidy and elegant.

这个秀气温和的女子在我的人生旅途留下一抹感叹的色彩。The delicate gentle woman in my life left a sigh of color.

秀气的江南是一位婀娜多姿,温柔娴静的小家碧玉。Delicate snakes south of the Yangtze River is a gentle quiet of.

小而秀气的脚恐怕屈曲过大的踝部是没有用力的。A small dainty foot or one down at the pastern are not functional.

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小而秀气的脚或者弯曲过大的踝部是没有功能的。A small dainty foot or one down at the pastern are not functional.

她身材苗条,长得秀气,脸上总挂着灿烂的笑容。she is slim and beautiful, and always has a nice smile on her face.

她要长发飘逸,长得漂亮秀气,身材均衡,还得有自己的想法。She has to have long hair, good-looking, fit, and with a mind of her own.

她长得轻盈秀气,白净秀气的脸上还保留着婴儿般最初的单纯。She was slight and delicate, with infantile purity in her fair and clear face.

EVA鼠标垫小巧玲珑,外观秀气,又经济实用。EVA mousepad is delicate and fragile , outward appearance is delicate , economy is pragmatic.

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吉事多专柜有不少圆形或长圆形盆,配合极小的台面,非常秀气。Auspicious work much shop has many circles or long circle tub, cooperate dinky mesa, very delicate.

就是下小雪吧,济南是受不住大雪的,那些小山太秀气!Jinan, those hills are too delicate to bear a large amount of snow , but not a small amount of snow.

可利用盘发增加高度,而且要在如何使头发秀气、精致下功夫。Made available to increase the height of plate, but also in how to make hair delicate, refined efforts.

正阳步行街,比起云南丽江古镇的街道,少了一分古朴,多了一分秀气。Zhengyang Walking Street had less ancient but more elegant compared with the streets of Lijiang Town in Yunnan.

但她有一双漂亮的蓝眼睛,脸庞可爱又秀气,这样她那有点古怪的美丽也成为了T台的亮点。With her sparkling blue eyes and cute, delicate features, Deyn's pixyish beauty would definitely brighten any venue.

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根雕之所以有较高的观赏价俏,因为它自然天成,野趣横生,集粗狂、质朴、秀气、玲珑于—身。Root is a higher price is handsome, because of its natural, wild phenomena, a rough, simple, elegant, exquisite in a body.

在这些秀气的文字里,写信人告诉收信人,也就是“迈克尔”,她的母亲禁止她再去见他。The writer, in a delicate script, told the recipient, whose name was Michael, that her mother forbade her to see him again.

他似乎并不在意山前秀气可餐的冰瀑,总想到山后去看个究竟。It seemed that he did not care about the wonderful ice-fall before the mountain but paid much attention to whatever behind it.