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生活可能辉煌灿烂。Life can be good.

哦,她笑的真灿烂。Oh, she's smiling bright.

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春天是温暖又阳光灿烂的。Spring is warm and sunny.

孩子们似灿烂的星宿。Children of a sunnier star.

我醒来时只见阳光灿烂。I awoke to bright sun-light.

秋天总是阳光灿烂、凉风习习。Fall is always sunny and cool.

都夹杂着金线的灿烂。There twines a thread of gold.

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我就不用戴灿烂的指环。I need not wear a diamond ring.

这世界是如此的灿烂辉煌。The world is fair and splendid.

如果圣烛节这天阳光灿烂。If Candlemas be fair and bright.

我一觉醒来已是阳光灿烂的早晨。I woke to a bright sunny morning.

舞台上灯光灿烂。The stage was flooded with light.

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昨天晚上星光灿烂。The star shone bright last night.

灿烂的阳光照在商店门牌上。The sun shines on the shop sighs.

那是什么?多么灿烂的一颗星!What's that?What a brillant star!

是它,让我的青春灿烂辉煌!Is it, let my youth bright future!

她灿烂地笑了很久。She cackles, brilliantly, for ages.

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那阳光灿烂的宫和冰的洞窟!That sunny dome! those caves of ice!

这灿烂新的一天将呈现。This shining un-used day will bring.

在阳光灿烂的日子里,天坛公园非常漂亮。It's really beautiful on a sunny day.