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玉米丝黑穗病菌不能侵染高梁。Head smut fungus from corn did not infect sorghum.

高梁酒是以高梁酿制的高纯度蒸馏酒。Kaoliang is a strong distilled liquor made from sorghum.

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它需要从高梁种子中得到生长的化学信号。If It requires chemical signals from sorghum seeds to grow.

玉米、小米和高梁较易适应不同的自然条件。Maize millet and kaoliang adapt readily to varying natural conditions.

木粒屑、高梁籽也有可能替代小麦,成为制作双孢蘑菇菌种的新材料。It's possible too that the bits of wood and sorghum substitute for wheat.

稻子、小麦、豆类、小米、玉米和高梁是中国人的主食。The staple food is from such crops as rice, wheat, beans, corns, millet, and sorghum.

他长着一副微黑透红的脸膛,高高的个儿,站在那儿,象秋天田野里一株红高梁那样淳朴可爱。He had a dark, ruby face, tall, and looked like red sorghum stalks in the autumn fields.

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瞧,稻谷笑弯了腰,高梁涨红了脸,仿佛在庆祝秋天的丰收。Look, rice laugh knees, sorghum red in the face, as if to celebrate the harvest in autumn.

每年,它会引起非洲高梁作物六亿到七亿的损失。Every year it causes six to seven billion dollars in damage to African green grain Sorghum.

而研究发现的第五种可能提高高梁产量的方法是减少庄稼的耕种。And fifth way that the study found may improve sorghum production is to reduce crop tillage.

在索马里,在玉米、高梁以及进口粮食交易方面半国营垄断机构已被取消。In Somalia the monopoly of parastatals in maize, sorghum, and imported foods has been eliminated.

这种植物从根系中将水分和养分偷走,并利用有毒的物质供给高梁。The witch weed steals water and nutrient from the roots and attacks the sorghum with a poisonous substance.

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本实验以高梁谷粒为原料,进行酒精发酵的研究。This study employed sorghum grain as raw material for ethanol production using an commercial active dry yeast.

李也提到金门高梁酒特别在福建、广东及东北受到欢迎。Lee also said that Kinmen Kaoliang wine was especially popular in Fujian, Guangdong and the northeast of China.

玉米、高梁、草木樨、砂打旺等根茬的作用较好,大豆根茬的效应最低。Compared with corn, sorghum, sweet-clover, and Arstragalus huangheensis, the soybean root system has a minimum effect.

科学家建议的另一种方法就是在生长季节间种植高梁,接着种植豇豆。Another method that the scientists suggest is to planting sorghum during one growing season, followed by cowpea the next.

某小曲酒厂是以高梁、小麦等为原料,采用传统的酿造和制曲工艺制成小曲酒。Ditty is a winery sorghum, wheat, and other raw materials, using the traditional song-making process and made small Liquor.

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Moseley教授表示,由于经济作物棉花的价格下降,马里农民种植了更多高梁。Professor Moseley said Malian farmers had planted more sorghum because the price of their cotton, a cash crop, had dropped.

他们建造了非常复杂精密的灌溉系统,这让他们得以种植小麦、大麦、高梁、椰枣和橄榄。They constructed a sophisticated irrigation system that allowed them to grow wheat, barley, sorghum, date palms, and olives.

夜市之旅将伴随足够高梁酒浮动的臭豆腐,和见解将产生的。The night market trip will be accompanied by enough Gao Liangbooze to float the stinky tofu, and insight will flow from this.