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我向你道喜,亲爱的外甥女。I give you joy, my dear niece.

我的小外甥女很上照。My little girl. My little girl.

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第三个小女孩是她们的外甥女,只有5岁。The third, their niece Rajani, was 5.

她3号去泰安送她升入大学的外甥女去了。She to Tai'an 3 to send her niece to go to university.

我的外甥女给她的五岁的女儿Kayleigh买了一只大颊鼠。My niece bought her five-year-old daughter, Kayleigh, a hamster.

1964年,罗伯特•肯尼迪和他的孩子们,以及外甥女凯若琳和外甥小约翰•肯尼迪。Robert Kennedy with his children, niece Caroline, and nephew John Kennedy Jr in 1964

为了尽可能减轻大颊鼠逃跑给Kayleigh带来的悲伤,我的外甥女将鼠笼子从她的房间里拿了出来。Hoping to make the loss less painful for Kayleigh, my niece took the cage out of her room.

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施赖弗出身声名显赫的肯尼迪家庭,是美国前总统肯尼迪的外甥女。Shriver came from prominent Kennedy family, is the niece of former U. S. President John F.

我曾梳一条长长的辫子,小外甥女两岁时对我的大辫子极为祟拜。I have a long braids Salisbury , a small two-year-old niece, when my great great Suibai braids.

如果你想给外甥女买礼物,就买你想买的,并且附送一张礼物收条。If you wish to get your niece a gift, buy whatever you like and make sure it comes with a gift receipt.

如果你想给你外甥女一份礼物,那么买一件你想买的任何东西,把收据和礼物一起给她。If you wish to get your niece a gift, buy whatever you like and make sure it comes with a gift receipt.

嘉丁纳太太然后又谈起韦翰遗弃伊丽莎白的话,把她外甥女笑话了一番,同时又赞美她的忍耐功夫。Mrs. Gardiner then rallied her niece on Wickham's desertion, and complimented her on bearing it so well.

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我们以为最好就让外甥女从这所屋子里出嫁,想你也会同意。We have judged it best that my niece should be married from this house, of which I hope you will approve.

在干吗?我正在登泰山,外甥女不好好爬,总休息!还是和你一起出游好!What are you doing? I was getting Taishan, niece not to climb, total rest! Or you are traveling together!

埃德蒙生奶妈的气,更生姨妈的气,觉得她最不关心她这位外甥女。Edmund was much more displeased with his aunt than with his mother as having the least regard for her niece.

1840年,他协助安排他的外甥女维多利亚女王与他的侄子萨克森-科堡-哥达亲王艾伯特之间的婚姻。In 1840 he helped arrange the marriage of his niece, Victoria, to his nephew, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

我终于能够告诉你一些有关外甥女的消息了,希望这个消息大体上能叫你满意。At last I am able to send you some tidings of my niece, and such as, upon the whole, I hope will give you satisfaction.

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期待着那天到来,还有五天,宝贝外甥女,你是小姨永远的大爱,提前祝你生日快乐!Looking forward to that day comes, there are five days, baby niece, aunt you love forever, I wish you a happy birthday!

事过不久,姚太君就招来三儿,“去,把你俩小外甥女都接会来吧!The material leads soon, Yao also the gentleman recruit to three sons, "go, pick up 2 of you little nieces all meeting!"

在鲁斯哈根78岁高龄那年,她去加利福尼亚去看望女儿朱迪和十几岁的外甥女玛西。When Ruth Hagan was seventy-eight years old, she visited her daughter Judy and teenage granddaughter Marcy in California.