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藤蔓攀附大树。The vines cling to the trees.

一株野生的甜豌豆攀附而上,倚靠着它。A feral sweet pea clings to it for support.

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藤还攀附着颓垣残壁。Thee vine still clings to the moldering wall.

对偷乘货车、攀附行进中的列车或者击打列车的,铁路职工有权制止。Any railway worker shall have the right to stop such a person.

藤还攀附着颓垣残壁,每来一阵狂风,枯叶附落纷纷,天真是阴暗而沉闷。Into each life some rain must fall, some days must be dark and dreary.

将我从我那些未完成的过去中解放出来吧!它们从后面攀附著我,让死变成困难的事。Release me form my unfulfilled past cling to me form behind making death difficult.

猴子适合抓握的尾巴,使他们能以看起来不可能的姿势攀附着树木。Monkey's prehensile tails allow them to cling to trees in seemingly impossible position.

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硫矿床攀附着桶边的老现在在里面的嵌入式卡瓦Ijen硫磺。A sulfur deposit clings to the edge of an old barrel now embedded in sulfur inside Kawah Ijen.

人们可以看到它们在地铁隧道顶端攀附前行,可以在攻击时猛力一跳。They are seen clinging and walking on the ceiling in the subway tunnel and can jump with great power when attacking.

解剖发现星状神经节发出的交感神经攀附于椎动脉的表面。By means of anatomy, sympathetic nerve from stell ate ganglion was found attached to the surface of vertebral artery.

我到北极猎取白熊和海豹,执着一根长杆我跳过隘口,攀附着易脆的蓝。I go hunting polar furs and the seal, leaping chasms with apike-pointed staff, clinging to topples of brittle and blue.

它唤起了人们对地中海克里特岛一座山上的无数回忆,山上白色的古教堂废墟紧紧攀附在悬崖上。It brings up memories of hikes up a mountain on Crete where the white ruins of an ancient chapel cling onto the cliffs.

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别说自己,就是那些攀附他的人,也沾他的光去游玩过,可我作为他的好朋友,却当成梦想去努力着。Let alone, who clings to his people, but also with his light to play, but I as his friend, but as a dream to work with.

窗格上的鲜活色彩和攀附在墙上的春藤叶与这座历史地标的可悲命运形成强烈反差。The vibrant colour of the windowpane and its climbing spring leaves contrast the dismal fate of this historic landmark.

在没有未来的世界里,现在之外空空如也,人们攀附着现在,就好像悬挂在崖边。In a world without future, beyond the present lies nothingness, and people cling to the present as if hanging from a cliff.

心痛吞噬凌乱的思绪无限延伸,忧伤恍若幽灵般攀附着寂寞如影随行。Painful swallowing messy thoughts unlimited extension of sadness reminding us of scenes like clings to the lonely ghost lurking.

搭一个网格,让这些攀附植物攀延而上,形成一个绿色的遮阳墙,可降低室内温度。Build a reseau , let these climbing add a plant to climb delay and go up, form the sunshade wall of a green, can drop indoor temperature.

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肾上腺素能神经在粘膜下层和肌层常攀附小动脉壁,在动脉中、外膜之间形成丛。Both artery and vein in submucosa were enclosed by adrenergic nerves that formed plexus between tunica adventitia tunica medium of the vessels.

在“中国学术的深层危机”的背景下,编辑成了被追逐、拉拢、攀附、合谋的对象和进攻、暗算、攫取、蚕食的目标。Under the background of serious academic crisis of China, editors are the targets who are chased, roped in, sought connection with, plotted together.

对着照相机镜头微笑的迪纳摩原名是史蒂芬·弗拉伊内,他单手攀附在巴士顶,跟着双层巴士一起行动。Smiling for the cameras, Dynamo, whose real name is Steven Frayne, travelled alongside the two-storey bus with the palm of his hand placed on the roof.