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在进出口工作中,我们要扬长避短,趋利避害。In our import-and-export work, we should foster strengths and circumvent weakness.

无论什么动机,说谎总是为了趋利避害。Whatever the motives maybe, lying is to avoid being harmed and to seek being benefited.

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第二方面就是从边沁的“趋利避害”的功利主义原理进行分析。The second is from Jeremy Bentham's "profit and avoid loss" utilitarian principle of analysis.

如何克服困难,趋利避害,办出高职教学特色,需要我们进行认真探索。For how to form the characteristics of higher professional teaching, it needs us to think and study them seriously.

抓住机遇扩大开放、适度保护趋利避害是中国经济的客观选择。It is the objective choice for China to grasp the opportunity to expand the opening policy and to make modest protection.

如何扬长避短、趋利避害,是中国银行业殛待研究解决的课题。Therefor, it is an important issue for China's banking to make the best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages.

在机遇和挑战并存的情况下,航空公司必须形成自己的核心竞争力,才能趋利避害,在竞争中赢得生存与发展。So, in the face of opportunities and challenges, airways must develop its own core competitiveness and win the survival and development.

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研究无霜期演变规律,为农业风险决策,趋利避害充分利用气候资源提供气候依据。The research of the evolution principle of frost-free period would give climate resources support for risk decision making in agriculture.

生命的自我权衡智能,以趋利避害为价值判断的唯一标准,控制自我权力体能的行为。Life, self-balancing intelligence to gain and avoid loss of value the only criteria to judge and control the behavior of physical self power.

节约,是一种追求效益、力避浪费的行为活动,这种活动源于一般生物趋利避害的本性,但又始终闪烁着人类智慧的光芒。Saving, is the behavior to pursue efficiency and to avoid waste. It comes from the instincts of creatures, and shows the intelligence of human being.

探讨了番茄生长与气候条件的关系,分析了滨州市番茄种植有利的气候条件,并提出了趋利避害的生产建议。Analyzed the relationship between tomato growth and the climatic conditions, and which climatic conditions was favorable to tomato planting in Binzhou.

天性是人与生俱来的自然属性,即人生而具有趋乐避苦、趋利避害的行为倾向。Nature which originates from one"s birth is nature attribute, namely, a behaviour trend that man likes happiness and benefit but avoids pain and harm."

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我们要充分掌握WTO的规则,趋利避害,利用国际分工获得农业比较利益。Therefore, we should make full use of the regulation in the WTO and the favorable profit by the international division of labor, avoiding disadvantages.

另旅游业应趋利避害,以积极的态度和脚踏实地的作风迎接挑战。The Chinese tourism industry should face the challenge bravely with an active attitude and a down to earth way by seizing the opportunity and avoid threats.

我们应当从理论上认识网络和多媒体技术的正面效应,同时也要认识其负面效应,以便在使用时趋利避害。It is necessary to realize both the positive and the negative effects of the technique, so as to make proper use of internet and multimedia in language teaching.

分析房地产经济主体的住宅经济所呈现泡沫的成因,趋利避害提出一系列措施。This article concentrates on the cause of the foam in the housing economy that composes of the main body of real estate economy, and then raises a series of measurements.

如何在东亚地区主义兴起的浪潮中趋利避害,对于中国走和平发展之路意义重大。Aiming at developing peacefully, in the wave of the rise of the regionalism in East Asia, "how to tend to benefit while avoid harm", has become quite significant to China.

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我们应以积极的态度促进国际人口的合理流动,趋利避害,尽量减少国际人口流动的负面影响。We should make active manner to advance international population suitable remove and avoid mistakes and make good and reduce negative of international population mobility.

它对我国的出口贸易造成一定影响,有利也有弊,我国当抓住机遇,及早部署,趋利避害。It has the certain influence to our country's export trade, advantageously also has the shortcoming, our country when holds the opportunity, deployed early, takes advantage.

现代城市地下空间开发应注重结合自然地理环境,因地制宜,趋利避害,以确保地下空间开发利用的可持续发展。Integrating modern urban underground space development with the natural geography environments, suiting measures to local conditions, tending to beneficial and avoiding disadva.