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高尔夫球场选址仪式。What is the yardage of this golf course?

第二部分——研究商业零售口岸选址的意义。The second part---- the significance of BRLC.

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该公司正在华中地区选址。The company is studying sites in central China.

到北十二道选址00号该走哪一条路?Which road should we take to No.200 North 12th Street?

我们将证明这两个逆网络选址问题都是强NP困难的。We show that both the reverse problems are strongly NP-hard.

三环二期经济适用房地块正在办理选址手续。Sanhuan phase of housing plots are for the siting procedures.

选址研究报告可以从环保署网址下载。The Site Selection Report is downloadable from EPD's website.

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二里头都城的选址经过了周密的考虑。The choice of Erlitou Site went through careful consideration.

变电所选址是电力系统规划的一个重要环节。Substation locating is an important part of power system planning.

据此可为桑沟湾沿岸的排污口选址提供依据。A basis for selection of pollution discharge positions is provided.

该项目选址于陆良县工业园区青山片区。This project is located in Qingshan area of Luliang Industrial Park.

与昆斯区接壤的贝尔蒙赛道是著重考虑的选址。The Belmont Racetrack, on the border with Queens, is one hot contender.

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小乔在椅子感到更加舒适选址比在地板上。Little Joe feels more comfortable to site in the chair than on the floor.

DC的选址是一个多属性决策问题。Selection of the DC location is a multiattribute decision-making problem.

我不知道什么时候我认为我的选址有蓟马虫害附近。I didn't know when I was siting it that I had a thrips infestation nearby.

喜来登大酒店选址南滨,成就重庆首个亚洲地标。Located in Nanbin, Sheraton Hotel Becoming First Asian Landmark in Chongqing.

现在我们在回顾核能电站的,选址的标准。Now let me go over now what the siting criteria are for nuclear power plants.

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选址的问题就是在这样一个系统的基础上加以优化。The problem is that the siting of such a system be on the basis of optimized.

首先筹备选址,然后是运输及放置大石块。The site was first prepared, and blocks of stone were transported and placed.

双方领导人期待着ITER选址谈判尽快有结论。The Leaders looked forward to a rapid conclusion of the ITER site negotiation.