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在那杨柳依依的树阴。All under the willow-tree.

依依是一个非常漂亮的女孩儿。Yiyi is a very beautiful girl.

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今我来兮,杨柳依依。I'm coming now with willow weeping.

阳光总在风雨后。依依爱唱的歌曲。You are my sunshine through the rain.

没有钟声响起,没有哨声依依,但我知道,我已经不同。No bells went off, and no whistles rang.

而且他依依哇哇的跟我们说个不停。Plus, he wants to talk to us all the time!

无论如何地,离愁依依?Notwithstanding how heartrending the sorrow of parting is.

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流水缠绕,小草依依,都是你诉不尽的情话。Flowing water and green grass witness your lover 's endless prattle.

但是,一个学者陈依依说,以色列尚未获得中国的原谅。But, says Chen Yiyi, a scholar, Israelhas yet to earn China's sympathy.

我是你碧波摇篮里那只依依鸟儿,在欢喜的哭泣,每一颗泪珠都是透明的故事。I am shedding happy tears. Every drop of my tear is a transparent story.

江南三月正是早春时节,烟雨重重,杨柳依依。In March, spring comes very early. Besides West Lake, rain is like silk.

沿着湖边漫步,但见阳光下垂柳依依,湖水碧绿如蓝,亭台楼阁的影子倒映于湖水之中。Walking along the lake, I saw willows bowing in shiness. The water is so blue.

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蒋依依约多多见面,觉得多多在恋爱中智商太低,多多觉得本人爱上许飞了。JiangYiYi about many meet, feel more in love is too low, many feel my IQ love xu fei.

痴心的人儿,郎已薄幸无踪,何苦依依?Silly people who abuse, Lang has been fickle without leaving a trace, why bother Yiyi?

昨日依依,明天继续。我憧憬我心中的叶,不问花开。Yesterday Yiyi, continue tomorrow. I look forward to my mind leaves, do not ask bloom.

静看尘世,情深依依,梦里的你真的好静,好美。Static see earth, deep in emotion Yiyi, and the dreams you really good static, and good US.

真的该和夏说再见了么?无论如何地,离愁依依?Should I really bid adieu to this summer? Notwithstanding how heartrending the sorrow of parting is.

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在她最后15年的时光里,我们一直以她习惯的方式相处——轻松愉快、亲情依依、其乐融融。For the last 15years of her life we enjoyed a relationship on her terms-light, affectionate, cheerful.

四个人马一齐跟隐士依依告别,答应不久再来拜望他。All four bade an affectionate farewell to the Hermit and promised that they would soon visit him again.

下午,当云的女儿依依打开蛋糕盒时,朋友们看到漂亮的蛋糕都惊讶地叫了起来。My friends were happily surprised to scream after Yun's daughter Yiyi opened the cake box in the afternoon.