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质比量更重要。Quality matters more than quantity.

对我而言,质比量更重要。To me, quality is more important than quantity.

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就学习而言,质要比量重要。For study, quality is more important than quantity.

代表质,质比量更重要。Q is for quality, quality matters more than quantity.

这叫作“比量触知智”。" This is called "knowledge of comprehension by inference.

木匠在歌唱着,一边比量着他的木板或梁木。Thee carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam.

我喜欢善良的人,我觉得质比量重要。I am interested in meeting good people. I prefer quality over quantity.

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他听后大笑,用拇指和小指比量一下对我说“只会很少一点”。He laughed and he said'a little bit'meansuring with his finger and thumb.

抗弯弹性模量与维管束比量有较高的抛物线关系。There is a parabola correlation between the MOE and vascular bundle proportion.

品质比量重要,一支全垒打比两支二垒安打好许多。Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.

生长应力水平与纤维和导管的组织比量分别呈正相关和负相关。Fibre and vessel proportion increased and decreased, respectively, with the increase of growth stress.

人生天地间,就好比蜉蝣之于老椿,滴水之于大海,哪里能比量?Humans born into the world are like ephemeral insects on an old tree, like a drop of water in the ocean.

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同时,对基本密度与纤维形态、纤维体积比量和纤维素含量的关系作了探讨。The relations between basic density and fibre form, between tissue measurement and fibre content were studied.

第一,对企业技术开发的准备金,按照一定的比量在税前扣除。Firstly, begin the pre-tax deduction in accordance with the reserve, which is used for enterprises' technology development.

有些美国有名的学院,不要扩充成大学,因为他们觉得质比量更重要。Some American well-known colleges do not want to expand as universities because they feel quality is more important than quantity.

以水泥为基质,研究了其不同配比量对植物种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响。Using cement as the adhering material, the effects of different contents cement on the seed germination and seedling growth were studied.

通过软化点、残炭值、耐腐蚀性、硬度、溶解性、热失重等测试分析,确定了聚苯乙烯参比量及固化工艺对改性沥青树脂材料性能的影响。Through analysis of residual carbon, soften point, hardness, resistance to corrosion and solubility, the effects of polystyrene contents and curing processing parameters were discussed.

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“这对我来说是一年中最难过的日子,”39岁的凯特·赫利说道,她正在梅西百货三层的海蓝德广场比量一件黑白相间的衬衫。"That would be like the worst thing for me ever, " said Kate Healy, 39, as she clutched a black-and-white shirt to her chest while on the third floor of Macy's in Herald Square on Friday.

为了研究小环径比托卡马克中粒子运动不同于大环径比的特点,探讨了标准模型磁场下单粒子在小环径比托卡马克中的运动,通过对环径比量级的假设采用漂移近似得到了保留至高阶项的导心运动方程。The motion of particles in a low aspect ratio tokamak was investigated using the drift approximation, with a standard model for the magnetic field and the assumption of the order of aspect ratio.

以猕猴桃酒为特色原料,选择较佳的配比量,制成风味独特的、具有营养保健功能的猕猴桃酒冰淇淋。Using KiWi wine as the characteristic material, select the better burden quantity, a unique flavour and a high nutritional value KiWi wine ice-cream which have health care function was developed.