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有一种执着,叫愚公移山。There is a belief, called Jingwei.

愚公移山是北京最为经典的场地。Yugong Yishan is a Beijing classic.

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愚公移山是传说中的一个著名故事。Mt. Yugongyi is in a fable famous story.

愚公移山大乐队的欢乐会议。Jam Session of Yugong Yishan's very own big band.

这简直就是现代版的愚公移山啊。It sounds like a modern version of "Yugong Removing the Mountains".

他这个人干事很有愚公移山的精神。He does things as consistently as Yugong's moving away the mountains.

据传说,这就是当年愚公移山的地方。Legend has it that this is where the Follish Old Man removed the mountains.

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愚公移山大乐队的欢乐会议。欢迎更多的音乐人到这里的舞台上,撞出更多的火花!Jam Session of Yugong Yishan's very own big band. All musicians are welcome to hit the stage!

我用愚公移山的力量去尝试,雨后彩虹的出现!I used to try to force the Foolish Old Man Moved Mountain , the emergence of rainbow after the rain!

2007年7月,为了迎接奥运会的到来,愚公移山原址所在位置面临拆迁。In July 2007 the bulldozers of the forthcoming Olympics have rolled over the place and torned it down.

每月有两个周日,“樱桃”在愚公移山俱乐部主办“电影和电影人”系列。Two Sunday evenings each month, Cherry presents its "Films & Filmmakers" series at Club Yugong Yishan.

愚公移山大乐队的欢乐会议。欢迎更多的音乐人到这里的舞台上,撞出更多的火花!Jam Session of Yugong Yishan's very own big band and Bu Yiding. All musicians are welcome to hit the stage!

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2017年1月7日,唤觉音乐封箱演出,在愚公移山和猴年马月的自己挥手告别。The ending show of the lunar year of monkey, 2016, will be shown on 1.7,2017. Wish you all the best in new year.

我和拍档一起愚公移山。我们都需要轮流休息吃午饭和上卫生间。My partner and I kept moving on with the mountain slowly. We did take turns to rest for lunch and bathroom breaks.

愚公移山的这种执著其实也是一种责任,做人的最起码的一种自我责任和社会责任。Later the responsibility of this attachment is also a matter of fact, the minimum life of a self-responsibility and social responsibility.

中国有个著名的寓言故事“愚公移山”,展现了一种坚定的决心和毅力的精神。In China, there is a famous fable "the foolish old man removed the mountains", which presents spirits of firm determination and perseverance.

王屋山景区位于王屋山-黛眉山世界地质公园北部,“愚公移山”故事就发生在这里。Wangwushan Scenic Area is located in the north part of Wangwushan-Daimeishan Global Geopark, where the story 'Yugong moving mountains'happened.

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愚公移山的事很快被玉皇大帝清楚了。玉帝被愚公坚韧不拔的精神所感动,便派大力神把两座大山背走了。Later the Heaven God, upon learning of Yu Gong's story, was GREatly moved. He then ordered another god to come down and take the two high mountains away.

山里人是勤劳的,他们一代又一代人,象愚公移山一样一锄一锄,一锤锤硬是把荒山变成了良田。The mountains are a hard-working, their generations, like great determination and courage as a hoe and a hoe, a hammer just turn the barren hill into fertile fields.

7月19日夜,这位台湾老歌手在北京的愚公移山酒吧举行了一个小型的演唱会,三四百人把小小的酒吧挤得满满的。On the evening of July 19, This old Taiwanese singer put on a small concert at Beijing's Yugong Yishan bar, packed tight by three to four hundred people. The second old Mr.