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哈贝马斯的理论的一个重要来源是历史唯物主义。Historical materialism is one of important sources of Jurgen habermas' theory.

这是辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义的基本点。This is the fundamental point of dialectical materialism and the history materialism.

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第二部分是历史唯物主义视域下的王充“命论”。The second part is the view of historical materialism on The destiny theory of Wang Ch'ung.

马克思主义幸福观是建立在辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义基础上的。Marxist concept of well-being is based on dialectical materialism and historical materialism.

在马克思主义内部,历史唯物主义的许多主要特征一直在重新被评价。Within Marxism, many of the main features of the historical materialism have been reassessed.

作为历史唯物主义基础的社会生产是全面的,是一个多重矛盾的统一体。All-round social production based on historical materialism is a unity in multiple contradiction.

历史唯心主义的根源是唯心主义,它的价值观和历史唯物主义的价值观是相对的。The root of historical mentalism is mentalism, whose value is against that of historical materialism.

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马克思列宁主义的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是彻底的无神论。Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism of Marxism and Leninism are of thorough antitheism.

马克思主义哲学的主要学说被称为辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义。The central doctrines of marxist philosophy are called dialectical materialism and historical materialism.

科学的抽象法是与辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义紧密相连的。Scientific abstract magic art is linked together cheek by jowl with dialectical materialism, historical materialism.

我们有责任站在历史唯物主义的立场,还原人们一个真实的婉容。Well, really the facts So it «is our duty to stand in the position of historical materialism, people restore a true Wanrong.

我们应当运用历史唯物主义认真地研究周扬,实事求是地评价周扬。We should research and comment the scholar Zhou Yang with the view of historical materialism and seeking truth from practice.

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本文阐述恩格斯运用历史唯物主义原理研究俄国的农村公社问题及其对后人的启示。This paper explains the essence and meaning of the theory of value and effectiveness upon a dialectical deliberation over them.

马克思的“历史唯物主义”不仅仅是“历史科学”和“历史观”,更主要是作为一种“世界观”。The Materialism of History of Marx is not only science of history and view of history, but it is also regarded as world outlook.

哈贝马斯欲以交往行为理论取代马克思的历史唯物主义是否达到他的理论目标?。Whether or not Habermas achieves his theory goal by substituting Marx's historical materialism by his communicative action theory?

本文以历史唯物主义为指导,对美国发展西部灌溉业政策由自由放任向国家干预的演变进行了研究和探讨。The thesis has made a systematic investigation on the evolvement ofAmerica development west irrigation policy between 1865 and 1902.

马克思主义的“以人为本”思想内容贯串于整个辨证唯物主义和历史唯物主义理论中。Marxist "putting people first" thought runs through the entire contents of dialectical materialism and historical materialism theory.

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本文运用马克思主义辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义观点和方法研究当代世界民族主义。Dialectical materialism and historical materialism of Marxism have been adopted to make the study of the world nationalism in this thesis.

卢卡奇恢复了历史唯物主义面貌,但把自然本体论作为社会存在本体论的前提和基础。Lukacs re sumed historical materialism, but he took natural ontology as the premise and the foundation for the ontology of social existence.

他力图以交往行为为核心提出“交往范式”的分析理论,并由此对马克思的历史唯物主义进行了重构。He tries to put forward the communication-cored analysis theory of communication Paradigm, thus reconstructed Marxist historical materialism.