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以色列必须保卫其领土。Israel must defend its territory.

他们对敌军领土进行了突袭。They forayed into enemy territory.

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他们来抢你们的领土了。They have come to steal your land.

领土面积9861平方公里。Land area of 9861 square kilometers.

欢迎来到玩具城,玩具的领土!Welcome to Ludibrium, the land of Toys!

战争已伸展到敌方领土。The war was carried into enemy territory.

他把广阔领土分给他的各个部落。He portioned to his tribes the wide domain.

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部队进入敌人领土。The army penetrated the territory of enemy.

他们把一部分领土割让给敌人。They conceded some of their land to the enemy.

这两个国家各自声称这片领土是自己的。Each of the two countries claimed the territory.

条约禁止了地球外的领土要求。The treaty forbids territorial claims off-Earth.

会议被阿尔巴尼亚的领土收复主义者所中断。The meeting is disrupted by Albanian irredentist.

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我们必须捍卫我们领土的完整。We must safeguard our state territorial integrity.

不列颠的大部分领土曾被罗马人占领。Large parts of Britain were under Roman occupation.

边界是主权国家领土分界线。Border is the domain boundary between sovereignties.

我们誓死屏藩国家的领土!We pledge to safeguard the territory of our country.

我们时刻准备着为每一寸领土而战。We are prepared to fight for every inch of territory.

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意味着他们的领土将在战争中被核打击。It means their territory will be nuked in case of war.

没有入侵领土,防卫省说道。There was no territorial incursion, the ministry said.

他们把战争中取得的领土并入版图。They annexed the conquered territory to their country.