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答案因人而异。The answer varies for everybody.

我因人而异地谱写音乐。I tailor-make music according to the person.

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疗效因人而异。The curative effect varies from person to person.

显然,结果因人而异。The results will obviously differ for every person.

就像人类其他的能力一样,都是因人而异的。like any other human capacity, differs across people.

修特尔说这些能力因人而异。And those changes, he said, vary from person to person.

疗效因人而异。The effect of the treatment varies with the individual.

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语言是抽象的,言语是具体的,是因人而异的。Langue is abstract, parole specific to the speaking situation.

疗效因人而异。The effect of the treatment varies with different individuals.

治疗的产品琳琅满目,但疗效因人而异,用假发套来掩饰常被人一眼看穿。Treatment products full of beautiful things in eyes, but with a.

就像是眼药水的用量因人而异一样,每个人的需水量也是不同的。Like an eyeglass prescription, everyone's fluid needs are different.

每个人的身体会在不同的时间发育,出现变化的速度也是因人而异。Not everyone's body changes at the same time or even at the same pace.

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喝葡萄酒感觉头疼是一个严重的问题,但原因是因人而异的。Wine headaches are a serious issue, but the causes are highly personal.

其答案取决于当事者愿意承担多大的责任,完全因人而异。The answer is very personal and lies in how much we want to get involved.

这一比率因人而异,取决于各人的工资数。The percentage varies from person to person. It depends on their salaries.

学习的方法和偏好也是因人而异。To add even more variety, each person has different learning styles and preferences.

正常的分泌物组织因人而异,有些薄而微粘,有些厚而粘稠。Normal vaginal fluids vary in texture from thin and slightly sticky to thick and gooey.

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这因人而异,但每天总有一些我们能开始做的事情。This varies in degrees for everyone, but we all have little things we can start out with.

这是因人而异的,有些人摄取成千上万的热量但却不增重。Some people can eat thousands of calories more than others and still not put any weight on.

尤其在商务创新领域,创造力,一如美,都是因人而异的。Particularly in business innovation, creativity, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.