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我们今年不可能有剩余产品。We are unlikely to produce any surplus this year.

我们今年不可能有剩余产品。And Europe offered subsidies to help their farmers export surplus product.

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劳动力所有权的实现是指劳动力所有者参与剩余产品的分配。Workmen of socialism community are owners of themselves's labour property.

极低的劳动生产率还导致剩余产品较少,难以有发达的商业活动。Low labor productivity also led to few surplus products, and less developed commercial activities.

请尽快安排剩余产品出货,现在工厂已经放不下了。Please ship the remaining products as soon as possible, because the factory has no more space now.

我们正在与美国国防部为他们的剩余产品的独家经销合作伙伴。We're the exclusive partner with the U. S. Department of Defense for the sale of their surplus items.

这创造了可加以利用的农业剩余产品,如同之前只能在灌溉区被生产出来的那些一样。This made available an agricultural surplus such as had previously been produced only on irrigated land.

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茶籽饼粕是茶籽提油后的剩余产品,我国资源丰富但利用不足。Tea seed meal is the by-product of tea oil extraction. The resource China but has not been utilized fully.

他们发现其他几个面包和情侣,对着他们现在赚足够的剩余产品免费领取。They found a few other bread lovers and they're now earning enough residual that they get their product for free.

但是管理理论家领袖彼得·德鲁克说“营销的目的是使剩余产品能卖出。But Peter Drucker, a leading management theorist, says that "the aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous."

他们打算将这些农场主与当地市场建立可靠的联系,使她们有机会以公开招标价格出售剩余产品。It aims to connect local farmers with dependable markets. That way, they could get a chance to sell their surplus at competitive prices.

对于这类国家,贸易能为其提供一个剩余产品的出路,或者一个潜在的过剩农产品与原材料的出口。For such a nation, trade would represent a vent for surplus , or an outlet for its potential surplus of agricultural commodities and raw materials.

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储蓄率的计算方法并不准确,因为它是计算收入和消费之间的剩余产品,所以需要大幅度的修改。Calculating the savings ratio is an inexact business, because it is the residual between measures of income and consumption and so tends to be revised a good deal.

畜牧业生产是利用在人类植物食物制造的剩余产品,像柑橘渣和甜菜渣,而无法以其他方式促进人类的食物供应。Livestock production makes use of products left behind during the manufacture of human plant foods, like citrus pulp and sugar beet, which could not otherwise contribute to the human food supply.