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这家店专卖钓鱼用具。The shop sells fishing gear.

这家摊位专卖珠子及关于伊斯兰教的书。This one specializes in beads and books on Islam.

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在有些国家烟草是政府的专卖品。In some countries tobacco is a government monopoly.

菜场新开了一家专卖冷鲜肉的店铺。A fresh meat store recently opened in the food market.

我跟朋友在大学里开了一间专卖海滩服装的精致小店。I opened this neat little beachwear shop in school with a buddy.

烟草专卖许可属于行政许可。Tobacco Monopoly Permission belongs to administrative permission.

专卖商在专卖区域内享有产品独家专卖权。You have the right to sell the products exclusively in your district.

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图片展示一间专卖印尼制造之产品的小百货。Picture showing a departmental store selling Indonesia's made products.

中国火柴原料厂特种股份有限公司是国民政府实施火柴专卖的枢纽。The Chemical Industries Special Ltd. acted as pivot of the match monopoly.

专卖点接到报修电话后,通知生产企业或服务队伍。Monopoly received a repair call, inform production enterprise or service team.

“旧复新”专卖从意大利进口的高档家具。For example, "Restoration hardware" sells upscale furniture imported from Italy.

反酒馆同盟领导人的目标,开始是地方专卖或全州范围禁酒。The goal of Anti-Saloon leader was at first local option or state-wide prohibition.

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伦敦许多街道的店铺,专卖书。There are many streets in London containing shops which specialize in book-selling.

与麦当劳的协议上要求,她生产的面包只能专卖给这家公司。And her agreement with McDonald's required that she sell exclusively to the company.

我们附近还有一个农场,专卖野生栗子和一些我没种的水果。There is also a farm nearby that sells raw nuts and some fruits we won't be growing.

在北京的一些市场专卖一些假名牌,如钱包、手表。Some markets in Beijing are filled with phony name brand items like purses and watches.

一家专卖家居小单品、毛绒玩具、香薰蜡烛、宠物用品等工艺品的特色小店。A franchised store selling homely products, plush toys, scented candles, pet products ect.

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他在播放关于许可专卖法录像时抽出一瓶啤酒,进而惹上麻烦。He got into trouble when he pulled out the brew during recorded footage about licensing laws.

这位来自伦敦的小富翁经营了一个专卖弹球的网站长达两年,生意红火。The tiny tycoon from London has been running the thriving website for two years.

哦.让我想一想.我觉得你们应该去霍克斯堡河.那儿有很不错的餐馆.专卖新鲜海鲜.但还有比这个更好的.I think you should go to the Hawkesbury River. This region has fabulous fresh seafood restaurants.