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并无差异。No difference whatsoever.

然而还是有一些差异。Yet there is a difference.

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两耳的水平差异。Interaural level differences.

这个数字上的差异是不容置疑的。The arithmetic is undeniable.

个体差异是关键。Individual differences are key.

当然这是文化上的差异。This is cultural bias, of course.

创造服务差异的关键是人。The difference lies in our people.

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在少年犯罪方面两组并无差异。No difference in juvenile offenses.

差异纯粹是审美的。The difference is purely aesthetic.

我们必须尊重所有的差异。We have to respect all differences.

而无声段无显著差异。But no difference in silence segment.

东西方的文化差异很大。Great East-West cultural differences.

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就自身来说,也是程度差异的问题。Intersexuality is a matter of degree.

屏幕大小是一个巨大的差异。The screen size is a huge difference.

纱捻度标准发生变化,差异大。Variation in twist level in the yarn.

谁能向我解释它们二者之间的差异?Who can explain the difference to me?

但这里也有微妙的差异。But there are also slight differences.

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这种差异的大部分是可继承的。Much of this variation is inheritable.

它们之间存在着性质上的差异。There's a qualitative difference here.

想要在速度上证明这种差异吗?Want proof of the difference in speed?