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为贫民举行了义卖。A bazaar was held for the poor.

那位医生经常救济贫民。The doctor often relieve the poor.

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陈小凤是贫民的儿女。Chen Xiaofeng was a poor farm girl.

我们得设法解决贫民的食宿问题。We should manage to house and feed the poor.

我们捐助了食物和衣物救济贫民。We contributed food and clothing to the poor.

白天吃得像皇帝,夜晚吃得像贫民。Eat like a king by day, like a pauper by night.

我们捐赠衣物救济贫民。We contributed clothing to the relief of the poor.

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这些钱都是用来救济贫民的。This money was devoted to the relief of cases of distress.

封建社会贫民是被禁止进入皇庄的。In feudal society, unorthodox theories were always ignored.

埃及贫民深受伊斯兰教教义的影响。The Egyptian poor are deeply imbued with teachings of Islam.

1858年,贫民院,工厂和农场的所在地。In 1858 an area of poor housing, factories and farm buildings.

他们捐助食物和衣服救济贫民。They have offered food and clothes for the relief of the poor.

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我们的城市中的贫民苦况是现代社会的一大败象。The poverty in our cities is a damning indictment of modern society.

即便贫民们都神驰金钱,可真地有朝一日暴富起来也会无所适从。Even poor people all yearn for money, can really get up will someday.

莫扎特于1791年逝世,当时他被埋在维也纳圣马克墓地的一个贫民坟墓里。Mozart died in 1791 and was buried in a pauper's grave at Vienna's St.

现在贫民也能享用为他而建的城镇、船舶、河道与桥梁。The private poor man hath cities, ships, canals, bridges, built for him.

在1997年,他终于成为印度第一位贫民总统。On this date in 1997, Narayanan became the first Dalit president of India.

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其次是他的悲愤,包括英雄失路的悲情和贫民生活的悲惨。Second, his grief and indignation, including a hero's desolation and poverty.

都灵的贫民,意大利现在成了亿万富翁,因为有了未知的收入来源。The Paupers of Turin, Italy are now Billionaires with no known source of income.

新市长有礼貌地前来访谒都邑贫民,获得了他们的一些反感。The new mayor earned some idea by the courtesy of coming to visit the city poor.