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这篇杂文中有不少发人深思的东西。There is much food for thought in this essay.

一个引发争议的过去促成发人深思的未来。A contentious past argues for a provocative future.

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这幅图刻画一个非常发人深思的情景。The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene.

爸爸,你刚才这番话发人深思,使我幡然醒悟。Dad, you have just worded a profound change in my personality.

在这幅发人深思的图中我们可以看到地球上面簇拥着无数的人。It is a thought-provoking cartoon, in which numerous people are crowding on earth.

这些图虽然简单,但是却确实表明了一个发人深思的社会现象。Simple as the pictures are, they do demonstrate certain thought --provoking social phenomenon.

我尝试着把某些我觉得发人深思的更深层次意义注入到作品中。In my work, I try to incorporate some sort of deeper meaning or statement that I find to be thought provoking.

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她告诉我即便考不上大学,她也不放弃学习。她的话发人深思,让我看到了光明,真正明白了“有志者,事竟成”这句谚语的含义。She told me that even if she couldn't pass the College Entrance Examination, she would never give up studying.

有些视频生动活泼,而有的则发人深思,每个人都对参赛者所做的工作表示了赞赏。Some of the videos were hilarious, others thoughtful, and everyone appreciated all the work the entrants put in.

她话发人深思,让看光明,真明白“有志,事竟成”这句谚语含义。When she said this, I saw the bright light and began to understand the saying "Where there is a will, there is a way."

在我看来,偶像崇拜这个发人深思的社会现象,其实是把双刃剑,可以深刻影响青年人成长。In my opinion, idol worship, the thought-provoking social phenomenon, is a double-edged sword which can deeply influence the growth of young people.

当然,人们将这一奇特事物人格化并认为它有智力是荒诞的,但是这些奇闻轶事却发人深思。But people tend to personify such peculiar events and it's ludicrous to think that the balls of light have any intelligence, but the anecdotes are no less intriguing.

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客气啥…姐们儿。亲爱的,你有没有考虑过,通过让人开心来铰友?那当然是一个发人深思的假设。You got it. buddy. Sheldon, honey, did you ever consider making friends by being, I don't know, pleasant? Sheldon Well, that's certainly a thought-provoking hypothesis.

客气啥…姐们儿。亲爱的,你有没有考虑过,通过让人开心来交友?那当然是一个发人深思的假设。You got it. buddy. Sheldon, honey, did you ever consider making friends by being, I don't know, pleasant ? Sheldon Well, that's certainly a thought-provoking hypothesis.

那舒缓的海洋声和发人深思的空灵长笛声以及印度塔姆布拉琴声和谐地交织在一起,替你冲刷掉一整天的杂乱思绪。The ocean's soothing melodies along with meditative, celestial sounds of the flute and tambura on ENVIRONMENT 1 flow together harmoniously to wash away the distractions of the day.

波许对于这些问题的答案,不论是在名为最后一课的讲座上还是在接下来几个月里和黛安·索娅的单独谈话中,都非常感人,生动有趣,发人深思和独树一帜。Pausch's answers to these questions, both in the lecture and in three separate interviews over a series of months with Diane Sawyer, are moving, funny, thought-provoking and extraordinary.

一些批评人士指出作为一部富有寓意的电影应该是发人深思的,但是却显得少了生活气息,尤其是在技术如何简化生活的这个层面上。Its story, which some criticized as being a morality play, is thought-provoking, especially in the context of how technology can make things easier, but also make living less of an experience.

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第一地区与第二地区的划分,与革命以前的体制是否存在封建制有着极密切的关系,这一现象是发人深思的。First District and Second division of the region, and the revolution the previous system, the existence of the feudal system has a very close relationship, this phenomenon is thought-provoking.