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为什么要贸易自由化?Why Liberalize Trade?

但是它们之间不进行这样的贸易活动。but they're not traded.

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我知道我的贸易河。I learned my trade dere.

第二点,贸易赤字。Next, the trade deficit.

贸易逆差有升有降,这很正常。It goes up, it goes down.

非石油贸易方面又会有什么影响?What about non-oil trade?

咱们能不能做一笔易货贸易呢?Can we do a barter trade?

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英国兴中国贸易。England trades with China.

中印贸易概况。Sino-Indian trade Profiles.

Castaneda想要更多的贸易。Casteneda wanted more trade.

这是一场全国范围的贸易。It was a country-wide trade.

他的回答有反贸易的意味。He gave an anti-trade answer.

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康斐尔法贸易有限公司。Camfil Farr Trading Co. , Ltd.

你们可否接受易货贸易呢?Could you accept barter trade?

首先是美国的贸易赤字。First is the US trade deficit.

中国与区域内贸易。China and Intra-Regional Trade.

他们主要和B商行进行贸易。They mainly trade with B firms.

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第一,扩大双方贸易规模。First, increase bilateral trade.

做边境贸易的边疆宾馆。Hotels do border trade frontier.

一触即发的新一轮贸易战。The prospect of a new trade war.