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骶骨骨折了该注意些什么?Sacrum fracture what should notice?

大夫将替丹的骨折的腿正骨。The doctor will set Dan's broken leg.

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在野外小腿骨折怎么处理?How is outdoors crus fracture handled?

手指骨折了怎样保养?。How was hand phalange folded maintain?

不过我的盆骨有两处骨折。But I'd broken my pelvis in two places.

没有骨折,只是扭伤。There's no fracture.It's just a sprain.

她烧伤、骨折,与死神檫肩而过。She was burned, crushed, and near death.

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骨折打石膏要多久?How long does fracture hit gesso to want?

骨折要是不养好了,容易长骨刺吗?If fracture was not cured, easy long spur?

x光显示颅骨没有骨折。X-rays showed the skull to be unfractured.

他给骨折的腿制作了一副夹板。He carpentered a splint for the broken leg.

现在斯科特.欧勒森因为头骨骨折而躺在医院里。He was hospitalized with a fractured skull.

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非典型性股骨干骨折。Atypical fractures of the femoral diaphysis.

吴居平阿姨虽然左手骨折。Aunt Wu Juping while the left hand fracture.

骨折了,绑着石膏怎么上学啊?Fracture, how binding gesso to go to school?

脚指骨折怎样能好的快?How is crural phalange folded can good fast?

请别动,您的肋骨可能骨折了。Please don’t move, your rib might be broken.

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沃克医生是手脚骨折方面的专家。Doctor Walker is an expert in volar fracture.

他们给我的手臂拍了X光片,以确定是否骨折。They X- rayed my arm to see if it was broken.

医生能使骨折或脱臼复原。A doctor can reduce a fracture or dislocation.