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但哈林顿否认有这个协议。She denied this.

我不能否认这一点。I cannae deny it.

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那否认的瞳仁。The pupil in denial.

他否认了这项指控。He denies the charges.

伊朗否认这些指控。Iran denies the charge.

吉布森极力否认有不法行为。Gibson denies wrongdoing.

他没有否认这些事实。He didn't deny the facts.

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他否认这件事是真的。He negatived it was true.

他否认曾拿过她的书。He denied taking her book.

肃恭否认杀了阿财。O ready and deny the kill.

但不否认这鸟是自己的。But didn't disown the bird.

但是却是无可否认的。But there is no denying it.

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否认错误,错上加错。Denying a fault doubles it.

否认疼痛是有确实根据的。Disavowal of pain is valid.

你应该承认还是否认?Should you fess up or deny?

他们否认他的学说的权威性。They disowned his doctrine.

他断然否认自己有罪。He stoutly denied his guilt.

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墨西哥电话公司否认这些指控。Telmex denies these charges.

但他们都否认了这些指控。They all denied the charges.

超大否认了这一报道。Chaoda has denied the report.