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安妮猛地一甩红发小辫子。Anne tossed her red braids.

对,那你应该更注意,让他抓不住你的小辫子。Yeah, well, you should know better. Don't give him no excuses.

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走过来一个年轻的梳着玉米垅形小辫子的侍者走过来拍了拍她父亲的手臂。An attendant came over, young, with cornrows, patted her father’s arm.

然后把剩余的头发和小辫子梳在一起,梳成高高的马尾辫。Then gather up the remaining hair and brush it back into a high ponytail.

总有一天我们会抓到你的小辫子。我们不知道会在什么时候,但我们会抓到的。One day we'll get you, Edison. We don't know when or even how, but we will.

我们小的时候,由于妈妈给我们编许多小辫子,受了不少罪。We all suffered through our mothers cornrowing our hair when we were little.

它的叶子更有趣,叶子下面伸出的两个小角,真像小姑娘扎的小辫子。It leaves more interesting, leaves out the following two small-angle, I really like the little girl's bar.

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小辫子?你过来看看,蹲下来看看这些裤子,告诉我哪儿弄皱了?Excuses? Why don't you come here, look at these trouser, get down and you tell me if there's a crease on'em?

因为水星逆行,即是在一个微小的地方出了问题都可能成为别人手中的小辫子,对自己不利。With Mercury retrograde, you can be sure that messing up on even one minor detail is likely to be noticed and held against you.

真是奇耻大辱,美国被人揪住了小辫子,因为中国的政客们影响着业已酿成的债务危机。It is a crying shame when the United States is held hostage because its manufactured debt crisis is influenced by Chinese politicians.

她有两条金黄色的小辫子,小辫子上还扎着粉红色的蝴蝶结,眼睛大大的,眉毛长长的,红润的脸颊非常招人喜爱。She has two golden yellow pigtail, pigtail still wearing a pink bow, his eyes wide open, eyebrows long, rosy cheeks and a very popular move.

里奥上赛季留得是小辫子发型,今年夏天在换成最新的发型之前所留的是非洲式的爆炸头型。Rio had previously gone for the braided look, not to mention an afro over the summer before he did away with his locks ahead of the new season.

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所以常在电视广告中出现、扎着小辫子的林妙可替代了杨佩宜在91000名现场观众和全世界电视观众面前,带着天使般的微笑,“唱”完了整首歌。So the pigtailed Lin Miaoke, a veteran of television ads, mouthed the words with a pixie smile for a stadium of 91,000 and a worldwide TV audience.

车顶一根“小辫子”,车底一根轨道,上海的新型有轨电车今年将现身于浦东新区张江功能区域。Top like a plait and bottom with a track, a brand-new tram will emerge at the neighborhood of Zhangjiang High-Tech Park of Pudong New District in Shanghai.