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打方块牌,名家就可以出王牌压。A diamond lead allows a ruff in dummy.

他在名家指导下学画。He studied painting under the masters.

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当时书画名家亦常常亲临指点。Chinese paintings are also often visit was pointing.

在这里,你可以找到全国各个地区的书画名家作品。Various styles of calligraphy come to life on Xuan paper.

这是一幅名家的手笔,一幅价值连城的作品,我的恩人!A painting by a master, a picture of great value, my benefactor!

在你的广厅里有许多名家,一天到晚都有歌曲在唱。Masters are many in your hall, and songs are sung there at all hours.

2008年参加威扬盛世中国名家邀请展。In 2008 Chinese famous states-soviet accurate invitational exhibition.

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组委会邀请您届时率队拨冗出席竞赛,并邀请您参加心意拳的名家表演。Led the organizing committee will invite you to attend the competition.

名家设计的意利配件类产品会是您生活的点睛之笔。Italian designer accessories products will benefit your life in the CBD.

假如将阅读课文中名家名篇比作“品酒”,那么作文就如同“酿酒”。If reading can be compared to tasting wine, writing is like brewing wine.

他多次向我详细讲他如何只花50英镑便买到一位名家的杰作。He has often described to me how he picked up a masterpiece for a mere£50.

我有一幅出自名家手笔、送给我做生日礼物的画。I have a picture by a famous painter which was sent to me for my birthday.

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中唐是河南人诗歌创作的高峰时期,名家荟萃,流派众多,成果丰富。The period of mid Tang Dynasty saw a peak of development of poetry in Henan.

我们摘录自名家散文,提供每日一句,并加以解释,请浏览。Please visit our Quote of the Day page to read daily quotes with explanations.

可可来到亦名家,说她第一次见面对张之恒的感觉还不错。Cocoa masters came also, and said she first met before constant feeling is good.

部分弟子传承墨子注重逻辑、推理论证的思想,因应时势转变为论理名家。Some of Mo Tzu's disciples inherited his dialectics and became great polemicists.

他是金石派大写意花鸟画名家,擅长书画、篆刻。He is a famous gold stone faction and the greatly enjoyable flower-and-bird artist.

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这间名家设计的酒店位于安静的地区,距离历史悠久的塞维尔中心有20分钟的路程。This design hotel is in a quiet area 20 minutes from the historic centre of Sevilla.

宋代大词人柳永是开一代词风之名家,可谓中国文学史上第一位专业词人。Liu Yong, a great poet in the Song Dynasty, was the first person that wrote Ci poems.

构图之精巧,线条勾勒之细腻,设色之清疏淡雅,都与院体名家林椿的画风相近。The composition, color and outlines are reminiscent of renowned court painter Lin Chun.