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他是个应声虫。He is a yes -man.

他是主人的应声虫。He is an echo of his master.

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他是老板的宠爱,因为他是应声虫。He is the boss's favourite because he is a yesman.

我不想只是是个应声虫,我想说出我真实的想法。I don't want a yes-man. I want someone who'll tell me the truth.

因为他是个应声虫,老板说的话他都附和。Because Arnold is a yes-man. He agrees with everything the boss says!

作为老板,你正面临应声虫的问题?希望得到预警吗?。Looking for a warning sign that you're a boss with a yes-man problem?

德·布里卡撒特神父,当你成为教士以后你并不比应声虫更高明一些!You're no better than a parrot when you act the priest, Father de Bricassart!

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南希仅仅是像她丈夫的—个应声虫,她根本就没有自己的观点。Nancy is only a sort of echo of her husband's opinion and has no ideas of her own.

公司很容易陷入一种“应声虫式”的企业文化,尤其是当员工感觉工作缺乏安全感的时候。It's all too easy to fall into a yes-man culture, especially when workers feel insecure about their jobs.

社会必须使自身显然是对所有为自己的国家利益冠军者,投机者和外国列强应声虫。The society must make itself obviously the champion of the national interests as against all self-seekers, speculators and toadies to foreign Powers.

从英国的“自治领”到美国的“小跟班”,加拿大在国际社会中留给其他国家的唯一印象,不过是西方大国的“头脑简单”的应声虫。In other countries' view, Canada was nothing but a myrmidon of western countries, its role just switch from a Free State of Great Britain to a yesman of the United States.

这意味着在原则上,你的权利大到,不会受到属下的任何质疑,在你的眼里他们应该是低声下气的应声虫What it meant was that in principle, your power was greater than any challenge that could come from those underlings, those craven reptiles in your imagination over whom you ruled.

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他要求所有人都赞同他对事务进展的宏伟展望,并确保身边围绕着一圈应声虫,同时残酷的修理异见分子。He wants everyone to agree with his grandiose vision of how things should be and makes sure of that by surrounding himself with yes-men and women and ruthlessly beating down dissenting views.