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我确证了这件事是真的。I confirmed that it was.

检查则提供确证的资料。Examination provides corroborative data.

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那么这种投机赌博行为又怎么会成为自我确证的呢?How could this bet then become self-validating?

这一论断在科学管理中得到了确证。This has been confirmed in scientific management.

目的确证L-甲基多巴的结构。OBJECTIVE To identify the structure of L-methyldopa.

卫报的报道未能得到单方面确证。The Guardian report could not be independently verified.

后现代对教师应然的角色进行了确证。Postmodern period has certified the due roles of teachers.

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你可以希求理解但无法确证。You can hope to be understood but you cannot guarantee it.

选举审核委员会再聚会确证最后举举结果。Canvassing Board reconvenes to certify final election results.

究竟银行在矢口否认地自我圆场,还是具有确证据凿的原因可以乐观起来?Are banks in denial or do they have genuine cause for optimism?

一位目击者确证驾驶员的说法属实。A person who saw the accident corroborated the driver's statement.

他说他们的发现是未确证的,并呼吁进行进一步研究。He says their finding is inconclusive and calls for more research.

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经熔点测定和红外光谱分析,确证产品是苯酚。The product was characterized by melt point and IR spectra analysis.

他们得到的说达根会得到一把枪的情报得到了确证。Their intelligence that Duggan would obtain a firearm proved correct.

这是确证白宫真实性的最直接和最可靠的方法。That is the most direct and reliable way to establish its factualness.

告诉他椅子刚漆过他非用手摸一下以确证。Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'llhave to touch to be sure.

该方法可靠、稳定,可满足茶叶中阿维菌素类药物残留检测与确证的需要。This method is suitable for the determination of avermectin residues in tea.

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这就是野蛮人的特征,这就是浪费者的确证,这就是繁荣的耻辱。Here is the mark of savages, the testament of wasters, the stain of prosperity.

经元素分析、红外光谱分析和核磁共振谱分析,确证了HAPS的结构。The structure of HAPS was identified by using IR, HNMR and elementary analysis.

确证我们的焦虑之源需要时间、坚韧和执着。Validating the source of our anxieties will take time, discipline and persistence.