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向上的路直抵山腰。Upward to the middle of the hill.

我当时正在在山腰上玩耍。I was playing in the mountainside.

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在山腰一样的梦想上。And up the mountainsides of dreams.

山腰上鲜花盛开。The hillside was a mass of flowers.

有五种深浅不同的绿,山腰的部分有三种。Five shades of green, three of scree.

这条山路在山腰盘旋而上。The path twists up on the mountainside.

伐木工人在山腰上踩出了一条小路。Woodmen trod a path on the mountainside.

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赤热的熔岩布满山腰。The hot lava overspread the mountainside.

在山顶的时候就要像在山腰的时候。居安思危。Do on the hill as you would do in the hill.

山腰上孤零零地长着一棵树。One solitary tree grew on the mountainside.

而这些孩子将从山腰间滑落。These kids will slide down from the middle.

一座古塔阴森森地矗立在山腰上。An ancient pagoda frowns on the mountainside.

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巨石滚下山腰。The great rocks rolled down the mountainside.

那条河流发源于山腰处。The river springs from the side of the mountain.

在望楚山腰,终于看到几处秋景。In Chu Mountain's waist, finally saw a few trees.

山腰上有一小块常绿灌木丛。There is a small evergreen shrub on the hillside.

在那里,那片雪多山腰洼地是我们的目标。There, the snow mountain depressions is our goal.

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急流沿着山腰冲刷出一条水沟。The torrents scoured out a channel down the hill side.

我家位于北市郊的一座山腰上。My house stands on a hillside just outside Taipei city.

暴雨前的风灌满了山腰上的塔楼。The wind before the storm fills the mountainside tower.