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愿我伴你细水长流。May I accompany you long.

爱应细水长流。Love me little, love me long.

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一个人的浮世清欢,一个人的细水长流。One float world QingHuan, break a person.

那是因为我只想与你看我们细水长流。That is because I want to see us with you water out.

原来,细水长流的日子了,经历了许多,错过了许多。It turns out-going days, and experienced a lot, missed a lot.

不求爱情波涛汹涌。只求细水长流的小幸福。No love is choppy. But for the small happiness of maintenance.

那时候,只一个人的浮世清欢,一个人的细水长流。At that time, only one person Ukiyo clear Huan, a man of steady.

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等到厌倦尘世风景的时候,我愿意陪你看细水长流。Until the world view of time, I would like to accompany you water out.

其实,不做作,流于自然的爱情才是细水长流的。As a matter of fact, no pretended and natural love should be perpetual.

白发苍苍各自去看场细水长流与着谁拥抱离去。Gray hairs in their respective go see a water out and who embrace leave.

更加智能地使用资源,将能让纳税人的钱细水长流。Using resources more intelligently can make taxpayers’ money go further.

细数陪你走过的细水长流,演绎属于我们的天长地久。Count to accompany you through the maintenance, deduce belong to us forever.

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与每个学生一起,守一段细水长流的岁月,最终轻拂时光的弦,一起相依相暖。And each student together, keep a long time, finally on time dependent phase with string, warm.

风淡云轻,细水长流何止君子之交,爱情不也是如此,才叫落花流水,天上人间?The wind light cloud light, water out far more than the gentleman, love is not so, is out of the water, made in heaven?

下起来,也没完没了,自始至终都是毛毛细雨,不紧不慢地下着,想它有的是时间,要细水长流吧。Next up, is endless, from beginning to end is drizzle, large underground, want to have plenty of time, it will break it.

花时间读开发智力、增进智慧的书籍固然辛苦,但却细水长流、终生有益。Time spent reading books that cultivate intelligence and wisdom is a labor that yields continuous benefit over a lifetime.

所以你应该有同感,是认真的,并且是以结婚为目的交友的。爱情是美好的但是也很短暂,对于婚姻,应该是细水长流如亲人般的那个人陪你到最后。I believe in that love is beautiful but short, for marriage, I prefer to right time for a right person , till the end of day.

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如果说失恋是天崩地裂,那么我想使练就如同细水长流,慢慢的吞噬你的心灵……If the feeling of being lovelorn is like earth shattering, then I am eager to get the hang of capturing your heart little by little.

你要耐心地对你的女人好,不需要如火山般炙热,也不需要如海浪般汹涌,细水长流就足够让她幸福一辈子。You want patiently good don't need as the volcano steaming hot to your woman, also don't need dashing as the wave, thin water is long to flow to make her happy enough lifetime.