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早上好,客房服务!Good morning, room service!

客房管理部,我可以进来吗?。House keeping. May I help you?

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完成区域客房报告。Maintains a section room rept.

第三个是酒店客房区。Third, the zone of hotel rooms.

麻烦请接客房维修部门。House-keeping department, please.

客房服务请拨810分机。Please dial 810 for room service.

部分客房还配备了小厨房。Some rooms include a kitchenette.

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配有浴缸和淋浴器的旅馆客房。A hotel room with bath and shower.

欧洲的客房更高达530万间。Europe has about 5.3 million rooms.

我可以预订一间有浴缸的双人客房吗?Could I book a double room with bath?

客房任事部,能为您效用吗?Room Service. Whfor can I do for you?

所有的客房都配有双层玻璃窗。All rooms have double- glazed windows.

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客房打扫房间的时候推的手推车上都放有那些东西?。Do you how many things on the pushcart?

洛溪店拥有各类房型的客房101间。Lixi shop has various chamber rooms 101.

客房非常干净而且装饰很好。Rooms are very clean and well-decorated.

的仓库里有12间客房。The Packhouse is home to 12 guest rooms.

谢谢您使用客房服务,再见。Thank you for using room service, goodbye.

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所有的客房都配有双层玻璃窗。All rooms have double-glazed panel windows.

客房加床则另收费用。Extra charge for extra beds in guest rooms.

提供客房内保险箱之服务。Provide in-room safe deposit boxes service.