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他们在热那亚一味坑害她。They let her in at Genoa.

蜘蛛香为一味传统的中药。It should be a traditional drug.

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一味靠希望活着的人,死时不值一文。He that lives upon hope, dies farting.

见选配毛毯及一味太舒服了!See matching blankets and comfy cozies too!

一味磨磨蹭蹭是要付出代价的。There are costs to all this dilly-dallying.

一味否认这一点是轻率和不切实际的。Insisting otherwise is imprudent and impractical.

这便是“茶禅一味”思想的先河。This is the "Zen tea blindly" thinking precedent.

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女人要沉静学道,一味地顺服。Let a woman learn in silence with full submission.

这是他对他教授的作品一味模仿。It was a slavish imitation of his professor's work.

女人要沉静学道,一味的顺服。Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

我们做事不能一味地步武先师。We can't imitate our ancestors without innovations.

若只是一味的“嗯”或“啊”这样不利于谈话的进行。Just saying “um” or “ah” here and there won’t do it.

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我们只是一味地在相信、倾听和模仿。We just continue believing, listening, and modelling.

女人要沉静学道,一味地顺服。A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.

一味追求物质刺激,会把人们引向歧途。The mere pursuit of incentives will lead people astray.

多年来,英国电影业一味模仿好莱坞。For years the British film industry merely aped Hollywood.

第二座新教堂并非一味地模仿第一座教堂。The new, second church was not a slavish copy of the first.

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对领导的每一个决定一味奉承的人们是蠢材。They are fools who adulate every decision of their leaders.

可是你一味地讨好她拍她马屁,她当然会讨厌你了。But if you keeplicking her boots, she is sure to dispise you.

爱情,是一味苦药。让我心痛如绞。Love, is a bitter medicine. Let me heartache, such as ground.