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先知殉教者。A prophet martyr.

先知为何?What is a prophet?

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先知殉教者,没错。The martyr prophet exactly.

乌鸦说“永不复还。”“先知!”Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."

在家也能成为奥马哈先知。Be the Oracle of Omaha at home.

耶稣也是先知殉教者。Jesus also is a prophet martyr.

我们如何报答这个先知?What shall we pay this prophet?

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,伟大的先知不可能在地狱里。Great prophets can't be in hell.

你们出去,究竟是为什么,是要看先知麽。Then what did you go out to see?

“我们如何报答这个先知?”“What shall we pay this prophet?

所有先知都是这样宣告的。It was foretold by all the seers.

我如何创建多边形在先知?。How can I create polygons in Farseer?

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耶稣膏立他为先知先见。Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer.

于是先知耶利米就走了。And the prophet Jeremiah went his way.

来吧,你这妄语者,你这先知。Come on you raver, you seer of visions.

我感觉自己像是显身的圣者,像先知。I felt like a revelation, like a prophet.

亚基帕王阿,你信先知吗?King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets?

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可畏此门槛亘着先知古誓、Terrific threshold of the prophet's pledge

还有谁是启示主义先知?保罗。Who else was an apocalyptic prophet? Paul.

在申命记中,他是那位先知,正如摩西所说。In Deuteronomy, he is a prophet, like Mose.