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她是超级的会撒娇又黏人!She is a great snuggler!

沙米很喜欢玩耍与撒娇。Sammy loves to play and cuddle.

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叫那孩子别撅著嘴撒娇!Tell that child to stop pouting!

叫那孩子别撅着嘴撒娇。Tell that child to stop pouting.

学会恰到好处地撒娇调皮。Learn to be mischievous and coquetry.

亲爱的,我再也不对你撒娇了。I won't act in pettish to you anymore.

这,便是卖萌撒娇的时刻。This is the moment to play the coquetry.

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他也许以为我在撒娇——闹着玩。He imagines me in a pet--in play, perhaps.

他们弹奏催眠的曲子安抚着卧室里撒娇的男孩。sleepymusic to soothe the savage boy in the bedroom.

宝宝和十四俩一撒娇你就同意了?Baby and 14 a pairs one act in pettish you to engage?

三年前你在我身边温存,如今你又在谁身边撒娇?。Three years ago you beside me warm, now you side who play?

如果他觉得情人「必须要」温柔,你绝不能「永远不」撒娇。If he feels Lover "must be" gentle, you must not be "never" so.

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相当亲密呀,似乎想对你撒娇的样子。It likes you quite a lot. It seems to want to be babied a little.

后来又撒娇,只好把它抱出来放在被子上。Then it started to grumble again, I could only put it on my quilt.

原来喜欢板着脸的女人,更喜欢在心爱的男人面前撒娇。The original love with woman, more like the man in front of coquetry.

当然,如果这个男孩是属于十分爱撒娇的性格。Of course , if the boy is very love belongs to act in pettish character.

至于如何应对孩子哭闹撒娇,卡兹丁博士建议与孩子一起哭闹撒娇。As for whining, Dr. Kazin recommends whining right along with your child.

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知道她可能是一位很会撒娇,很黏人的阿嬷。I could tell that she was probably a very affectionate and dependent woman.

看那个披上外衣的化妆盒在娇滴滴地向你撒娇。See that the Huazhuanghe in typically covered with jackets to your coquetry.

这个年龄的孩子,应该还在学校读书,应该还在父母的怀里撒娇。At this age, they should be studying and nestling in the arms of their parents.