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对,这意味着这段路轨将近有九英里那么长。Yes, that means there’s nearly nine miles of track here.

沿着深河峡谷和高山通行的路轨。Ride the rails along deep river canyons and over high mountain passes.

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我极愿意做那地球轨道上的某一段路轨的养路工。I too would fain be a track-repairer somewhere in the orbit of the earth.

在印度孟买,大雨过后,一个人走过被淹的铁路路轨。A man walks across flooded railway tracks after heavy rains in Mumbai, India.

车轮碾过路轨发出的单调“咔嗒”声,很快催人入睡。The monotonous rhythm of wheels clicking on the trails soon lulls you to sleep.

高承重力。全钢滑轮与路轨之间的磨擦力减至最低,运行更为畅顺。Steel castors with double bearing ensure high loading capacity and smooth running.

公共汽车线路和地上地下路轨都在该站交汇。Bus routes and railways, both overground and underground, converged on the station.

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阻止港铁的高架路轨方案破坏香港仔随道至鸭脷洲一带的环境。Stop the MTR viaduct destroying the environment from Aberdeen Tunnel to Ap Lei Chau.

在循环球螺杆双轨道和在路轨上提供更大的准确性。Recirculating twin ball tracks in the screw and on the rails provide greater accuracy.

他拎起两只沉重的旅行包,绕过车站把它们送到另一条路轨处。He picked up the two heavy bags and carried them around the station to the other tracks.

我躺着倾听帆布上的雨声和列车在路轨上开的轧轧声。I lay and listened to the rain on the canvas and the clicking of the car over the rails.

这些机械是用来制造铁路路轨的,但是当时附近并没有铁路,所以这项事业失败了。Although used to make railway tracks, there was no railway nearby so the industry failed.

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这些树木、路轨和火车需要一个足球场那么大的空间才能容纳。It takes the space the size of a football field to hold all these trees, tracks and trains.

溜冰板者在他们的委员会经常跳高入空气,沿着走步或滑下来路轨。Skateboarders often jump high into the air, go down steps or slide down rails on their boards.

郁郁葱葱的绿色给人舒畅的感觉,希望这绿色能够沿着路轨不断延续。Thick green can always give people a sense of comfort. We hope this track of green can go on forever.

北海道旅客铁道公司已经研发出路轨两用车的几款样车,并投入试运行。The railway firm is already developing several prototypes of road-rail vehicles and has begun test drives.

沿着路轨,女人们扛着装满盐的桶和尼龙袋,乌温扎就是以产盐而著名的。Along the tracks, women were carrying buckets and nylon sacks full of the salt for which the town is known.

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食完饭后,就用咗2个几钟先将全部车卡同汽车砌完,当然路轨的版图亦都同时扩大。After the dinner, I used more than 2 hours to finish all the components. The size of the track is also enlarge.

在世纪转换之际,殖民政权已经开始在他们最新取得的领地铺设路轨。By the turn of the century, the colonial powers had already begun to lay tracks across their recent acquisitions.

其中门铰、路轨、各类镙丝从开发到销售我们一直在不段的更新。One door hinges, track, various types of screws from development to sales we do not have been in paragraph updates.