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这一系列的大案,让中村和福田忙的焦头烂额。This series of major, let nakamura and Mr Busy.

很多人很惊讶总统会来NBC.会寻思他现在本该为一大堆倒霉的大公司和油水过多的主管而焦头烂额嘛。A lot of people were surprised that the president came to NBC.

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你很容易被冗长的筹备清单搞得焦头烂额。It’s easy to get caught up in the mile-long to-do list of preparations.

大学英语考试仍然让你焦头烂额?让你噩梦不断,冷汗涟涟?Is CET still the headache and nightmare that wakes you up in cold sweat?

吕希在家又要工作又要照顾悦悦和爷爷,顾此失彼,焦头烂额。Luchy to work and at home to take care of yue yue and grandpa, attend to.

但产能过剩的问题是否严重到足以让各级政府近来感到焦头烂额?But is the problem serious enough to warrant all the government hand-wringing lately?

选择一些能提前准备的食物,这样你就不用在厨房里忙得焦头烂额。Choose some food that can be prepared in advance so you’re not trapped in the kitchen.

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或许是因为多年来的公寓生活,也或许是因为这些年我一直都忙得焦头烂额。Maybe it’s all these years of apartment living. Or maybe it’s how I am SO OVER my stuff.

事实上,书店已经被非拖延者填写的书单忙得焦头烂额。But in fact, the book store is plenty busy with forms already filed by non-procrastinators.

刑事司法系统被搞得焦头烂额,而监狱里已经人满为患了。The criminal-justice system is overwhelmed, and the prisons are filled far beyond capacity.

这些俗事必定把我的时间绑死,令我累的焦头烂额。I will surely be bonded by those worldly affairs, which might make me tired and in bad shape.

如果你认为只有焦头烂额、忙忙碌碌地工作才可能取得成功,那么,你错了。If you think that only bruised and battered, busy work was likely to succeed, then you are wrong.

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如果还是无法完全把注意力从工作中移开,可以找点其他项目来代替,这样,你就不会老是为了同一个工作焦头烂额了。If you can’t get away from work entirely, alternate projects so that you don’t get burned out by a one.

父母被自己的问题搞得焦头烂额、顾不上关心孩子、困难到极点。It is most difficult if parents are carried away with their own problems and don't care about their kids.

不进如此,今年中国人将购买的汽车将史无前例的超过被经济衰退折磨的焦头烂额的美国人。And this year, for the first time ever, the Chinese are set to buy more cars than recession-hit Americans.

但是木兰也忙得焦头烂额,她让贾幸梅先照顾一段时间,等有空了她就去接爷爷。But mulan is busy, she let Jia Xingmei look after a period of time, such as she was free to pick up grandpa.

被这个问题搞的焦头烂额,却也想不出一个答案,只好仓皇出逃。Badly battered is done which by this question, also cannot find out an answer actually, has to flee in panic.

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别告诉我把我们整得焦头烂额的是一支没有将军,没有上校少校上尉什么的部队。Dont tell me that we are stymied by an army that doesnt even have generals, colonels, majors, captains and such.

度过焦头烂额的一天,远离你的家庭电脑——你的个人编程可以等到第二天。After a frustrating day at work, stay off of your home computer — your personal programming can wait another day.

度过焦头烂额的一天,远离你的家庭电脑——你的个人编程可以等到第二天。Be far way from your domestic computer after a pretty busy day-You can delay your personal programming into tomorrow.