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同位素甄别是不可能的。Isotopic discrimination is not likely.

那么,甄别,使更多的资源贫乏地区的意义吗?So does the screening make sense in more resource-poor areas?

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在苏格兰男性和女性,年龄介乎50和74进行甄别。In Scotland men and women aged between 50 and 74 are screened.

甄别再三,他把任务交给了乔三和崔春生。Discriminate repeatedly, he gave Qiaosan and Cui Chunsheng the task.

介绍了一种由集成电压比较器MAX921构成的脉冲幅度甄别器。A low-power pulse amplitude discriminator is described in this paper.

专家向谎言甄别”奇才“们学习,研究如何识别骗局。Experts studying deception learn from the 'wizards' of lie detection.

同时,性上瘾患者甄别合适男友的能力也差强人意。Sex addicts also have poor discernment skills for choosing boyfriends.

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而到了充斥信息的网络时代,最不缺乏的就是信息了,人们受到的是信息甄别与筛选的困扰。However what bothers people is how to discriminate and select the news.

在“乌鸦巢”的甄别,以提供额外的排气通风。The "Crows Nest" has screened venting to provide additional ventilation.

我们的顾问中心也会帮忙,会提供其他的指导和一些贴心提示,告诉你如何甄别出一个有前途的顾问。Our Advisor Center can also help, with some additional tips and guidance.

甄别越南船民的工作,实际上已于一九九四年十月完成。Screening of Vietnamese migrants was effectively completed in October 1994.

先进的甄别工具包括基因芯片和组织培养法。The advanced screening tools include gene chips and tissue culture methods.

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天使为玛利亚甄别她的儿子,就是应许的弥赛亚,就是那王。An angel appeared to mary, identifying her son, a promised messiah, the king.

彼得曼博士说,“旅游个性”的甄别理论是可靠的。Dr. Biederman says the theory behind identifying travel personalities is solid.

根据欧沙利文博士的研究,甄别骗局有两种线索,情绪的和认知的。There are both emotional and cognitive clues to deceit, according Dr. O'Sullivan.

对有5年以上、10年以下任职年限的女干部要加速甄别使用的步伐。Selecting those female cadres who have 5-10 years' work experiences more frequently.

这是有史以来受到最严密监测和认真甄别的大流行病。This has been the most closely watched and carefully scrutinized pandemic in history.

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你需要仔细甄别租客──或者花钱请人帮你甄别。You will need to screen prospective tenants carefully─or pay someone to do it for you.

如果你要对谷歌的运营商进行甄别,可以查看下谷歌指南中的“谷歌欺诈者名录”。If you need a refresher on operators, take a look at Google Guide's Google Cheat Sheet.

该反符合电路主要用于输入信号幅度甄别和反符合测量。This circuit can be widely used in input amplitude discriminator and anticoincidence test.