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与喇嘛相处愉快。Bill and Loden Lama.

我也喜欢喇嘛庙。I like the Temple, too.

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鞑莱喇嘛是什么宗教?What religion is the Dalai Lama?

我在马来西亚遇到一个喇嘛。I met a Lama in Kempas, Malaysia.

看,喇嘛们正在杀害群众。Look, Lamas are killing commoners.

喇嘛燃点供佛的酥油灯。Lamas lighting the butter-oil lamps.

他也曾用这招对付过喇嘛。He also ended up jawing with Lamar Odom.

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这些喇嘛戴上口罩,以防自己打喷涕。The monks are wearing masks in case they sneeze.

不被仰赖沙文主义的喇嘛所捆绑。Not to be stuck with depending on chauvinist lamas.

周日我要和一个朋友一起去喇嘛庙。On Sunday I’m going to the Lama Temple with a friend.

约有300名喇嘛在这里接受他们的宗教训练。Abount 300 lamas receive their religious training here.

1990年,Chevjey喇嘛死后,他的学生继续在美国行医。He died in 1990, but his students continue to practice.

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中国政府在中国选定他自己的班禅喇嘛。China's government selected its own Panchen Lama in China.

她老人家身受重伤,后面还有七名喇嘛追来。She has been attacked by some lamas and is seriously hurt.

他就是仓央嘉措,中国历史上的六世达拉喇嘛,也是一名著名的诗人。He is Tsangyang Gyatso, the 6th Dalai Lama, and a famed poet.

美元喇嘛和他的CIA暴徒正在失败中,走向绝望中。Dollar Lama and his CIA goons are losing and getting desperate.

中国,云南省香格里拉县的松赞林喇嘛庙。Gadan Songzanlin Lamasery in Shangri-la, Yunnan Province, China.

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枷锁锦上添花似地得了18分,喇嘛从替补席上窜上来也得到了16分。Pau Gasol added 18 points and Lamar Odom had 16 in a reserve role.

祈愿大法会的主持人改由桑浦寺或噶玛派的喇嘛担任。Prayer Dafa will host over by Sang Phu or Karma Lama as a faction.

本文探讨归化城的寺庙与喇嘛。This article discusses the temples and lamas in the Guihua region.