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地下水的开采是引起地面沉降的重要因素之一。Groundwater exploitation is one of the main reasons for ground subsidence.

地面沉降是普遍的城市灾害和典型的缓慢积累型地质灾害。Land subsidence is an ordinary urban hazard and the typical geological disaster.

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天津是我国地面沉降灾害发生频率较高的地区之一。In our country, Tianjin is one of the city where have a high frequency of land subsidence.

从1969年至今的地面沉降实测值与计算值也相吻合。The calculation value of land subsidence from 1969 to present agrees the measured value well.

以水准点高程数据变化说明地面沉降历史现状。Historical actuality of ground settlement is explained Using changes of benchmark height data.

涉及基坑疏干、围护、稳定、施工以及周边地面沉降位移等方面。It involves dewatering, drain, stability, construction and ground settlement around the pit etc.

地面沉降是苏锡常地区当前面临的最大地质灾害问题。Land subsidence is the most critical geological problem faced in the Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou area.

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文章主要对当今国内外地面沉降模型研究进展进行了简要的回顾和总结。This paper briefly summarized and reviewed the study of land subsidence models at home and abroad.

人们发现上海城区建筑规模及其增长速度直接导致工程性地面沉降同步增长。It is found that the engineering-related subsidence increased with the construction scale and speed.

本文通过分析河北省的水准测量资料,揭示了河北平原的地面沉降情况。In This paper, the ground subsidence situation of Hebei plain was studied by using the leveling data.

地面沉降的重灾区主要是长江三角洲地区、华北平原和汾渭盆地。The Yangtze River Delta, North China Plain and Fenhe-Weihe Basin are the most severely affected regions.

北京市地面沉降的范围、沉降幅度、沉降速率和地下水的超采有着明显的相关。The scope, range and rate of land subsidence have got the direct relation with overexploitation of groundwater.

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太阳从位于我身后的岩石远处升起。我看到地面沉降至下面深谷中的一条河里。The sun rose behind me and beyond the rocks. I saw that the ground fell away and down to a river, far below me.

随着地下水开采量的增加,区域地面沉降漏斗将不断扩大。With the increasing of underground water over withdrawing, regional ground subsidence funnels will be expanded.

地层结构和地下水位变化是影响地面沉降的主要因素。The layer structure and the change of groundwater level are the major factors to influence the ground subsidence.

1980年以来,豫北安阳至清丰水准测线上出现了较大的地面沉降漏斗。A large ground subsidence funnel has been found in the leveling line of Anyang-Qingfeng in north Henan since 1980.

城区地下水、地下其它液体和固体物质的开采,可能引起地面沉降或坍陷。The exploitation of ground water and some other liquid or solid materials may cause the land subsidence or collapse.

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介绍了济宁市地面沉降监测方法,并对监测结果进行了统计分析。This paper introduces subsidence observation method and statistic analysis of monitoring achievement in Jining city.

建筑密度越大,建筑容积率越高,地面沉降越显著。In other words, the land subsidence is remarkable in high construction density and high building volumetric fraction.

通过对20年前测量过的一些水准点和监测井的水准复测,证实扬州市城区确实有地面沉降的发生。Relevelling the bench marks and monitoring wells that surveyed 20year ago proves the ground subsidence in Yangzhou city.