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宗室是我国古代皇权政治下的产物。Imperial clan is result of authoritarians'politics in Chinese history.

作为整个宋词词坛的组成部分,宗室词有其自身的价值和意义。As part of the Song Ci as a whole, imperial clan Ci has its own value and significance.

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东侧门供文武官员出入,西侧门供宗室王公出入。The east opening was for the ministers while the west opening was for the royal family.

从严格意义上讲,清朝宗室集团由宗室和觉罗两部分构成。In the strictly sense, imperial clan of Qing dynasty is constituted by the imperial clan and the Jue Luo.

刘歆为西汉王朝宗室,又为王莽新朝功臣,是学术造诣高深的经学家,又是将儒家理想制度付诸实践的改革家。Liu Xin was a member of the royal family in Western Han, and an important official in Wang Mang's new court.

明代共有19位亲王分封于湖广,延绵出一个庞大的宗室群体。The Ming Dynasty there are 19 princes enfeoffed in Huguang totally, which extend huge imperial clan community.

干脆我与皇兄说一声,叫他把这名字写到宗室玉牒上去好了!Is simply me to say 1 with emperor elder brother and make him jot this name to deem in room jade the Die go up!

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在宋代以宗法文化为核心的新型宗法制确立、丰富的前提下,宗室成为宗法国家的一个文化象征。With the establishment of new patriarchal clan system, royal clan became a cultural symbol of patriarchal countries.

宗室玉牒上若真写了这名字,你就等着看你皇叔的黑脸好了!Believe in chamber jade Die top if actually wrote this appoint, you waited to see your uncle Huang's black face good!

赵汝愚是宋朝惟一的宗室宰相,是宋代宗室中的英才。Zhao Ruyu, the only prime minister from the imperial family of the Song Dynasty, was a genius in the imperial family.

出于开发某种新型葡萄酒的需要,该宗室会社会增加葡萄园面积,以便自始至终对葡萄品质和生长过程进行必要的控制。VR When launching a new wine the family adds the vineyard land needed to control the quality and growing process from beginning to end.

汉赵国宗室诸王、司隶校尉、内史与单于、左右辅、都尉系统相配合,构成其军事化国家制度的基本框架。The system of the princes, Sili Xiowei, Neishi, Chanyu, right and left fu, Duwei constructed the framework of the military state system.

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吴越国宗室的重要地位主要表现在宗室治州,控制地方上,钱氏宗室因此成为维护王权的重要支柱。The Qian clan, the imperial clan of Wuyue State, was critical to defend the sovereignty for the Emperors by controlling the local states.

道光勉慰了几句,吩咐他一同在旁观看诸位宗室带着家丁们打猎。The Tao Kuang encouraged Wei several, array him to together and alongside see the everyone believing in chamber to take the domestics to hunt.

宗室仕进制度这种特点的形成与西晋王朝大力任用宗室及当时的政权结构、政治发展特点是密切相关的。The characteristics of the clansmen official selection system were strongly tied to the construct of the regime and the development of politics.

清宗室苏努全家虔诚地信奉天主教,这在雍正统治期间是禁止的,因此,苏努一族受到严厉的惩处。The imperial clansman Su Nu's family members got a severe penality in the reign of Emperor Yongzheng because they believed piously in Catholism.

宗室是集中在专制君主周围的特殊阶层,他们的权势和地位来源于皇权,又能对皇权产生较大的影响。Imperial clan is a special class getting together the authority. It gets ascendency and status from the authority, and deeply effects the authority.

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弘晖在四阿哥身后撇了撇嘴,心想道‘只能说宗室里没有生三个的罢了百姓里可不一定。Hong Hui at four elder brother after death Pie Pie mouth, hope a way'can say that act not alive in Zong Shi is three tin be uncertain in general people.

宗室是我国古代历史中一个不断发展、完善的社会集团,宋代是其阶梯状发展中的成熟时期。Royal Clan was an ever developing, improving social group in ancient history of our country. Song Dynasty was a mature period in its stair-like development.

此玉牒宗室记载了代善家族的分支衍续。玉牒装帧讲究,云龙图黄绫面,长45.5厘米,宽29.5厘米。This"Jade"genealogy of the Daishan clan, 45.5 cm long and 29.5 cm wide, is finely bound and covered with yellow silk bearing patterns of clouds and dragons.