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一位男宾又是一位生客!A gentleman and a stranger!

我所说到的这位客人是位男宾,又是个生客。The person of whom I speak, is a gentleman and a stranger.

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您倒不如把一个生客丢给一群老虎的好!You might as well leave a stranger with a brood of tigers!

我们原不过是偶然相遇,请仍当我一个生客。We met just in coincidence. Please still treat me as a stranger.

女主人将生客作彼此介绍以打破矜持的气氛。The hostess broke the ice by introducing the strangers to each other.

她跪在那生客前面的石头上,开始给他浸湿、洗脚。Kneeling on the stones before the stranger she began to bathe and wash his feet.

那位生客是萨凡纳本地人,在内地居住了十二年之后刚刚回来。The stranger, a native of Savannah, had just returned after twelve years in the inland country.

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那是一个很暖的春天夜晚,在萨凡纳的一家酒店,邻座的一位生客的偶尔谈话引起灰拉尔德的侧耳细听。It was in a saloon in savannah on a hot night in spring when the chance conversation of a stranger sitting near by made gerald prick up his ears.

那是一个很暖的春天夜晚,在萨凡纳的一家酒店,邻座的一位生客的偶尔谈话引起灰拉尔德的侧耳细听。It was in a saloon in Savannah, on a hot night in spring, when the chance conversation of a stranger sitting near by made Gerald prick up his ears.

因为情逸使你成为一个时代的生客,一个生命大队中的落伍者,这大队是庄严的,高傲而服从的,向着无穷前进的。For to be idle is to a stranger unto the seasons, and to step out of life's procession, that marches in majesty and proud submission towards the infinite.

针对师范大学生客现存在的不良择业认知、消极情绪体验和择业行为偏差,教师应着力实施认知干预,切实开展择业心理素质训练。In order to cope with normal university students' irrational cognition, negative emotion and improper behavior, cognitive interfering and training of employment skills should be conducted by teachers.