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猿猴也会笑。Apes laugh.

人起源于猿猴。Men descended from apes.

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猿猴之于人是什么?What is the ape to man ?

埃达有一张布满皱纹、长得像猿猴的脸。Ada had a wrinkled, simian face.

柏林动物园共有342只猿猴。The zoo has a total of 342 apes.

娇虎,灵蛇,仙鹤,猿猴,螳螂。Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis.

尽管穿金戴银,仍然是猿猴。An ape is an ape, though decked with gold.

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猿猴小帮手无法做到下列哪件事?What are the monkey helpers NOT able to do?

但她与猿猴也有许多共同特征。But she also shares many features with monkeys.

黑猩猩和巴布诺猿猴也没有这个本事…Not even chimpanzees and Bonobos have this ability.

猿猴被请来裁决他们的纠纷。An Ape undertook to adjudge the matter between them.

它是除了猿猴和人类以外,少数没有尾巴的哺乳动物之一。It is one of the few tailless mammals besides the apes and man.

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它究竟为何物,是熊。是人、还是猿猴,我怎么也说不上来。What it was, whether bear or man c monkey, I could in no wise tell.

在动物学中,人类与猿猴和无尾猿被划为一类。Zoologically speaking, human beings belong firmly among the monkeys and apes.

在动物学中,人类与猿猴和无尾猿被划为一类。Zoologically speaking, human beings belong firmly among the ­monkeys and apes.

公司用这种血清在猿猴身上做实验,而其中的一只疯掉了,必须处死。The company tests the serum on apes, one of which goes mad and has to be destroyed.

在1967年,戴斯蒙-莫里斯写了部富有争议性的书,名为裸体猿猴。In 1967, a man named Desmond Morris wrote a controversial book called, The Naked Ape.

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这些劫掠者的脸部覆盖有鳞片,形似猿猴,皮肤为灰绿色,手上有四趾。These beings have scaly, Simian-like faces, gray-green skin, and four-fingered hands.

他施船只三年一次装载金,银,象牙,猿猴,孔雀回来。Once every three years it returned, carrying gold, silver and ivory, and apes and baboons.

但是这种疫苗能够有效地刺激短尾猿猴的免疫系统去识别HIV。But the vaccine has been effective in stimulating the macaques' immune systems to recognize HIV.