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粮油食品销售。With food sales.

我们能够交叉销售吗?Can we cross-sell?

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碧沙汽车销售。Bayside Auto Sales.

陈瓶两年后销售。Marketed at 2 years.

她是我们的销售主管。She is Head of Sales.

如何能够交叉销售?How can we cross-sell?

销售是一个流程。Selling is a proccess.

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什麽是潜意识销售?。What is Hypno-Selling?

销售方式按单件卖。Sales to the single sell.

我们在南美销售。We sell in South America.

对门食物销售的门。Door to door food selling.

废旧金属回收销售。Old metal recycling sales.

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夏装正在销售。The summer wear is on sale.

这些热裤在减价销售吗?。Are there hot-pants on sale?

而电子图书的销售则呈爆炸式增长。E-books sales are exploding.

他是扬克斯的一个销售人员。He was a salesman in Yonkers.

我最喜欢销售策略这门课。I like sales strategies most.

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促进货品销售。Liquidates sales merchandise.

市场营销与销售。Mgt 240. Marketing and Sales.

他还垄断了盐的销售He sells the monopoly on salt.