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强大的选材需求。Great demand of material.

百度欢迎你们这样的精英!,那么我们选材的标准是什么呢?Baidu welcomes talents like you! So what kind of people we like?

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科学选材,是育才乃至运动员成材的第一步。Selection of player is the first step of training elite athletes.

可用于你的木工工作的早期设计和选材过程。Involve your woodworker early in the design and selection process.

塑胶制品轻便、耐用、不易碎,便于清洗,是较好的选材。Plastic portable, durable, non-friable, easy cleaning, is a good selection.

选材成功率的极小值可以从成才率反推。The minimum identification rate can be calculated from the success rate. 4.

在选材方面,设计师选用了无毒且可再生资源为建筑材料。The building materials specified are non-toxic and from renewable resources.

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他的话剧选材贴近生活,并在实验话剧界掀起了一场风暴。He selects topics from real life, and stirs up a storm of "experimental drama".

选材都经验严格的检查,质量绝对没问题。Select material all experience, rigid inspection quality absolutely no problem.

本书的内容为兼顾观点的中立、意义和兴趣,选材谨慎。The content of the book was carefully chosen for NPOV, significance and interest.

这些典型指标为跳高运动员的选材奠定了基础。These typical norms are the basis for the selection of the high jump sportswomen.

我希望我的职业生涯中会有一部这样类型的电影,但我对选材很挑剔。Being involved with something like Heroes I got a lot of scripts for horror movies.

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故管线阀门选材要选耐腐蚀的抗硫材料。It pipeline valve selection to choose the anti-sulfur corrosion-resistant materials.

对设计时必须考虑的磁心选用、绕组选材以及绕制进行了描述。And described the magnetic core selection and wind line selection and how to make it.

适当的选材与低温预热及后热可以抑制表面裂纹的产生。Proper selection of materials, preheating and postheating can help to avoid cracking.

在选材上统一选用进口发丝,柔顺亮泽,仿真度十分高。Unity on select material imported, meek, simulation is bright lustre hair is very high.

选材考究是明式家具的另一个突出特点。Select material fastidious is another of bright type furniture outstanding characteristic.

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广西羽毛球队应用运动能力遗传方法选材,取得了丰硕的成果。Guangxi Badminton Team has applied this theory to practice and they have get great success.

一旦我们确定了故事和图片选材,并在随后将其制作成动画,他就会过来审查。Once we'd identified stories or images and had them animated, he would come in for a review.

指出海水管系防腐蚀的措施,主要是合理选材。It is pointed out that the most important measure is to select properly and correctly the material.